

Measurement and Spatio-temporal Difference Evolution of the Construction Level of Livable,Suitable for Employment,and Beautiful Rural Areas in Old Revolutionary Base Areas:Taking the Five Key Old Revolutionary Base Areas as an Example
摘要 建设宜居宜业和美乡村是推进革命老区高质量发展的关键举措。基于我国五个重点革命老区2011—2022年面板数据,构建宜居宜业和美乡村建设评价指标体系,运用熵权法和核密度法测算乡村建设指数,选取变异系数和泰尔指数对区域差异进行测度和分解。结果表明:革命老区整体乡村建设水平稳步上升,两极分化减弱;子系统指数呈不同程度上升趋势,宜业乡村、和美乡村、幸福乡村指数相对较高且增幅明显,宜居乡村指数偏低且增速较缓;子系统指数的区域差异逐渐缩小,分布趋向均衡态势;五个重点革命老区乡村建设综合水平变化差异显著;区域差异处于收敛状态,大别山、赣闽粤革命老区和革命老区区域间差异是差异性的主要来源。 Building livable,suitable for employment,and beautiful rural areas is a key measure to promote high-quality development in old revolutionary base areas.Based on panel data from five key old revolutionary base areas in China from 2011 to 2022,an evaluation index system for the construction Level of livable,suitable for employment,and beautiful rural areas is constructed.The entropy weight method and kernel density method are used to calculate the construction index,and the coefficient of variation and Theil Index are selected to measure and decompose regional differences.The results indicate that the overall construction level of livable,suitable for employment,and beautiful rural areas in old revolutionary base areas increased steadily,and polarization has weakened;The subsystem indices show varying degrees of upward trend,with relatively high and significant increases in the indices of rural areas suitable for employment,beautiful rural areas,and happy rural areas,while the index of livable rural areas is relatively low and the growth rate is slow;The regional differences in subsystem indices are gradually narrowing,and the distribution tends towards a balanced trend;There are significant differences in the comprehensive construction level of rural areas among the five key old revolutionary base areas;Regional differences are in a convergence state,with the Dabie Mountains,the Jiangxi-Fujian-Guangdong Revolutionary Base Areas,and the cross-regional differences being the main sources of differences.
作者 和聪贤 周灿 宋炳泽 He Congxian;Zhou Can;Song Bingze
出处 《老区建设》 2024年第6期46-60,共15页
基金 江西省社会科学基金项目“数智化驱动江西省粮食供应链韧性提升的机理和路径研究”(24YJ22) 江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地项目“革命老区创新创业活跃度动态测度与时空差异研究”(JD23059) 江西师范大学马克思主义学院青年马克思主义者理论研究创新课题“数字赋能新时代大学生红色基因文化传承研究”(2023QMZX07)。
关键词 革命老区 宜居宜业和美乡村建设 水平测度 区域差异 Old revolutionary base areas Construction of livable,business-friendly,and beautiful Rural Areas Measure of level Regional difference
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