

Analysis of Solution Paths for Cultivating Social and Emotional Competencies of Higher Vocational College Students—Taking Jincheng Institute of Technology as an Example
摘要 关注学生社会情感能力培养,凸显了新时代的新要求,是深化教育改革的必然选择。作为学生发展的管理者和培养者,高校辅导员将社会情感能力的培养融入教育全过程,能够为学生的可持续发展和幸福生活奠定基础。本文通过对高职院校学生社会情感能力培养的内涵、价值意蕴及存在问题进行深入研究,提出高职院校辅导员促进学生社会情感能力发展的纾困路径。 Focusing on the cultivation of students’social and emotional competencies highlights new requirements of the new era and is an inevitable choice for deepening educational reform.As managers and cultivators of students’development,college counselors integrate the cultivation of social and emotional competencies into the entire educational process,laying the foundation for students’sustainable development and happy lives.Based on this,the thesis conducts an in-depth research on the connotation,value implications,and existing issues of cultivating social and emotional competencies of higher vocational college students.It aims to propose solution paths for counselors in higher vocational colleges to promote the development of students’social and emotional competencies.
作者 赵迪雅 ZHAO Diya(Jincheng Institute of Technology,Jincheng,Shanxi 048026,China)
出处 《晋城职业技术学院学报》 2024年第4期44-48,共5页 Journal of Jincheng Institute of Technology
关键词 高职院校辅导员 社会情感能力培养 职业能力 职业准备 counselors in higher vocational colleges cultivation of social and emotional competencies vocational competency career preparation
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