
动态无线充电系统自解耦型分段导轨及其双模切换策略研究 被引量:1

Research on Self-decoupling Segmented Coil Rail and Dual-mode Switching Strategy of Dynamic Wireless Charging System
摘要 为抑制电动汽车动态无线充电系统发射单元间的交叉耦合,降低其对系统谐振参数设计的影响,文中利用螺线管线圈与平面线圈正交解耦特性,提出一种自解耦分段发射导轨,其中螺线管为分级叠层绕制,实现了相邻发射单元间的自解耦。为降低系统输出参数波动,基于互感动态变化规律,确定系统最佳充电区间,并提出一种双模工作模式及其分段切换策略,实现对发射线圈实能顺序的实时控制。为实现双模工作状态的有序变换,设计自解耦检测线圈结构,该检测线圈采用单层螺线管绕制并与接收线圈正交,避免检测信号与电能传输之间的干扰。最后,搭建实验平台对所提方法的有效性进行验证。实验结果表明,系统输出功率平稳性提升了19.5%,系统的最高效率可达92.3%。 In this paper,a dynamic wireless charging system for electric vehicles with self-decoupling segmented transmitter coils is presented.Based on the naturally decoupling orthogonal solenoid and square coils,the solenoid and square coils are hierarchically connected in series to form the transmitter coil,eliminating the cross-coupling effects of the adjacent transmitter coils on the design of the compensation topology.With the objective of obtaining a stable charging performance,a two-mode working method,where one or two transmitter coils are activated,is proposed based on the optimal charging area.A solenoid-detecting coil orthogonal wounded on the receiver coil is designed to detect the position of the receiver.The natural decoupling feature avoids the interference between the detection signal and power delivery.The performance and effectiveness of the proposed design are evaluated based on a scaled-down prototype.The experimental results show that the stability of the system output power is improved by 19.5%,and the maximum efficiency of the system can reach 92.3%.
作者 张献 徐伟达 王奉献 苑朝阳 杨庆新 代中余 ZHANG Xian;XU Weida;WANG Fengxian;YUAN Zhaoyang;YANG Qingxin;DAI Zhongyu(State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment(Hebei University of Technology),Beichen District,Tianjin 300130,China;Tianjin Key Laboratory of New Energy Power Conversion,Transmission and Intelligent Control(Tianjin University of Technology),Xiqing District,Tianjin 300382,China)
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第15期6146-6157,I0026,共13页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51977147,52122701)。
关键词 电动汽车 动态无线充电 自解耦线圈 位置检测 双模切换 electric vehicles dynamic wireless charging self-decoupling position detection dual-mode switching
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