

New Discussion on Important Theoretical Issues of Marxist Political Economy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
摘要 人工智能技术进步以其自主劳动和自主生成价值的方式引发了对马克思主义政治经济学的理论讨论。本文针对“超级模拟人类劳动的人工智能是否创造价值”“无人经济下劳资关系是否存在”“劳动主体缺位的资本积累一般规律是否变化”“科学社会主义‘两个必然’命题是否成立”等关键问题给予创新性回应:一是以数字劳动创造价值为基础命题,拓展了经典的虚拟价格理论,揭示了人工智能时代价值源泉问题;二是以数字劳动和数字资本的新型关系为核心理论,批判了“资机谬论”,阐释了剩余价值生产过程中的数字劳动异化等问题;三是以数字资本积累的社会结构理论来解析人工智能时代资本积累一般规律,探讨了不同所有制下数字资本积累形式上的新变化;四是以数字社会主义理论,阐释数字社会主义替代数字资本主义的必然性。 The technological advancement of artificial intelligence(AI)has triggered a theoretical discussion on Marxist political economy with its autonomous labor and value generation.This paper addresses the questions of“whether artificial intelligence that super-simulates human labor creates value”,“whether labormanagement relations exist in an unmanned economy”,“whether the general law of capital accumulation changes in the absence of the labor subject”,"whether the‘two inevitable'propositions of scientific socialism are valid"and other key issues.The first is to expand the classical virtual price theory with the proposition that digital labor creates value,in order to reveal the problem of the source of value in the age of artificial intelligence.The second is to take the new type of relationship between digital labor and digital capital as the core theory,criticize the“capital-machine fallacy”,and explain the alienation of digital labor in the process of surplus-value production.The third is to analyze the general law of capital accumulation in the age of artificial intelligence by using the theory of the social structure of digital capital accumulation,and analyze new changes in the form of digital capital accumulation under different ownership systems.The fourth is to explain the inevitability of digital socialism as an alternative to digital capitalism based on the theory of digital socialism.
作者 马艳 杨柔 邬璟璟 Ma Yan;Yang Rou;Wu Jingjing
出处 《政治经济学研究》 2024年第2期72-83,共12页 Chinese Journal of Political Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“‘算法革命’与数字帝国主义批判的政治经济学研究”(22BKS024) 国家社科基金青年项目“国外政治经济学的数字资本主义批判研究”(21CJL002)的阶段性成果。
关键词 人工智能 数字劳动价值 数字劳资关系 数字资本积累 数字社会主义 Artificial Intelligence Digital Labor Value Digital Labor-Management Relations Digital Capital Accumulation Digital Socialism
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