

Advancements and Future Prospects of Dust Control Technology for Occupational Hazards in Metal Mining,Loading and Transportation in China
摘要 在高温、噪声、粉尘、有毒有害气体等金属矿山主要的职业病危害因素中,由粉尘引起的尘肺病在职业病病例中占比最大,为不断推进粉尘职业健康防护研究,保障金属矿山人员、生产与环境安全,概述了金属矿山尘源与扩散理论以及粉尘职业健康职业防护研究现状,基于安全工程系统性原理,分别从源头治理、过程控制以及个体防护3个维度分析了我国金属矿山采—装—运过程中粉尘职业危害防控技术进展。在此基础上,剖析了目前存在的不足,并展望了未来发展方向。认为现阶段存在的不足在于金属矿山粉尘控制理论体系尚未成熟,金属矿山粉尘智能化监测预警技术研究有待加强,不同粉尘治理技术交叉性、协同性研究与应用较薄弱,以及以现场人员舒适性为导向的个体呼吸防护设备研发需要进一步加强,未来可从完善金属矿山粉尘控制理论体系,开发适用于金属矿山产尘特性的智能化防尘监测预警技术,注重粉尘治理技术的交叉性、协同性研究与应用,以及研发更符合人体工程学的个体防护设备等方面进一步开展工作。 Among the main occupational disease hazards in metal mines,such as high temperature,noise,dust,toxic and harmful gases,dust caused pneumoconiosis accounts for the largest proportion of occupational disease cases.In order to continuously promote the research on occupational health protection of dust and ensure the safety of personnel,production and environment in metal mines,this study summarized the theory of dust source and diffusion in metal mines as well as the research status of dust occupational health and protection.Based on the systematic principle of safety engineering,it analyzed the technical progress of dust occupational hazard prevention and control during mining,loading and transportation of metal mines in China from three dimensions:source control,process control and individual protection.On the basis of the above analysis,the paper analyzes the existing shortcomings and looks forward to the future development direction.It is believed that the existing deficiencies at this stage are that the theoretical system of metal mine dust control is not mature,the research on intelligent monitoring and early warning technology of metal mine dust needs to be strengthened,the cross-cutting and collaborative research and application of different dust control technologies are weak,and the research and development of individual respiratory protection equipment oriented on the comfort of on-site personnel needs to be further strengthened.In the future,further work can be carried out from improving the theoretical system of dust control in metal mines,developing intelligent dust monitoring and early warning technology applicable to the dust production characteristics of metal mines,focusing on the cross line of dust control technology,collaborative research and application,and developing more ergonomic personal protection equipment.
作者 李刚 李胜 张伟军 徐宇 陈彦亭 谢文茜 赵振兴 李万涛 荣辉 刘建国 LI Gang;LI Sheng;ZHANG Weijun;XU Yu;CHEN Yanting;XIE Wenxi;ZHAO Zhenxing;LI Wantao;RONG Hui;LIU Jianguo(State Key Laboratory of Safety and Health for Metal Mines,Maanshan 243000,China;Sinosteel Maanshan General Institute of Mining Research Co.,Ltd.,Maanshan 243000,China;Huawei National Engineering Research Center of High Efficient Cyclic Utilization of Metallic Mineral Resources Co.,Ltd.,Maanshan 243000,China;National Center for Occupational Safety and Health,NHC,Beijing 102308,China;NHC Key Laboratory for Engineering Control of Dust Hazard,Beijing 102308,China;Hebei Iron and Steel Group Mining Co.,Ltd.,Tangshan 063000,China;School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China;Research Institute of Macro-Safety Science,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期41-54,共14页 Metal Mine
基金 “十四五”国家重点研发计划项目(编号:2022YFC2904104,2022YFC2903901) 国家卫健委粉尘危害工程防护重点实验室开放基金项目(编号:KLECDH20230201) 金属矿山安全与健康国家重点实验室开放基金项目(编号:2022-JSKSSYS-02)。
关键词 金属矿山 粉尘治理 职业健康 防护技术 metal mine dust control occupational health protection technology
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