

On Managing Strategies of Fryer’s Science Popularizing Translation
摘要 江南制造总局翻译馆首席译者傅兰雅是“晚清最重要的科技翻译家”和“近代传播西学的第一人”。傅兰雅在中国科普翻译史和中外文化交流史上的不朽成就,很大程度上得益于其科普译介管理。傅兰雅通过译本生产中对科技信息纠错存真的管理,确保了译文呈现的科普信息客观而正确;通过翻译阶段对译语语言的顺应性调适管理,建构了蕴含相关科技信息的译语语言的易接受性;通过译外传播与流通中创办专门性的科普期刊、引入现代图书馆和科普讲座与互动等管理举措,空前拓宽了扩大译作社会影响力的渠道。傅兰雅通过行之有效的科普译介管理,实现了极为成功的科普效度建设,使其译介的系列科普作品成为中国科普翻译史和中外科技交流史上一座不朽的丰碑,为中国科技文化走出去和国际科技文化交流提供了可资借鉴的译介管理之道。 Fryer the chief translator of Translation Center of Jiangnan Manufacturing Administration is“the most important translator of science and technology in the late Qing Dynasty”and“the best to spread western learning in modern times”,whose immortal status in the history of Chinese science and technology translation and the history of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries are mainly due to his managing strategies in science popularizing translation.In producing translation,Fryer strived to make the scientific information presented in the translation scientific and objective by correcting the errors and retain the true information,and make a strong explanatory power and acceptability of target language rich in relevant scientific and technological information by managing the language.In the stage of the circulation of translated works,by using managing strategies such as establishing special science popularizing journals and introducing modern library and lectures and interaction mode to strengthen the social influences of translated works,Frye broadened the channels to expand the social influence of translated works unprecedentedly.achieved a very successful construction of science popularizing validity.Through the effective management of popular science translation and introduction,Fryerrealized the extremely successful science popularizing constructing validity,and provided referential ways for the going our of China’s scientific and technological culture and tne exanging of international scientific and technological culture,which has become an immortal monument in the history of Chinese popular science translation and the history of Sino foreign scientific and technological exchanges.
作者 王彬 李金茹 WANG Bin;LI Jin ru(School of Foreign Languages,Huaibei Normal University,Huaibei 235000,China)
出处 《宜春学院学报》 2024年第7期94-98,共5页 Journal of Yichun University
基金 2021年度安徽省高校人文社会科学研究重大项目“现代化视阈下傅兰雅传染病学译介研究”(项目编号:SK2021ZD0048)。
关键词 傅兰雅 科普译介 管理 Fryer science popularizing translating managing
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