This article analyzes the basic characteristics of state-owned agricultural farms,reviews the evolution path of the agricul⁃tural production and management system of state-owned farms,and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of highly central⁃ized management,company-centralized management and dual level management system,as well as the willingness of land contract⁃ing and leasing households to adopt company-centralized management.The article concludes that the basic characteristics of state owned agricultural farms determine that their agricultural production and management system has its own characteristics and pres⁃ents diversity and complexity.The company-centralized operation and the dual level operation are to coexist for a long time and ca⁃ter for different state-owned farms;the dual management system is not contradictory to moderate sized agricultural management and modern agriculture,and can be achieved through the large-scale service of state-owned farms;the level of centralized agricul⁃tural management and service management in state-owned farms is related not only to the crop planting structure,but also to the talents in farm agricultural management;employer family farms(management)will evolve into family farms(management),and both family farms and company farms face the issues of moderate size in agricultural production and operation;state owned farms should keep its enterprise nature and establish a system for selecting,assessing,and salary distributing for managerial talents;further stan⁃dardization is needed for issues related to the dual management system,such as the contracting and leasing entities and the mecha⁃nism for adjusting contracting and leasing fees;the transformation from a dual management system to a centralized company system requires at least three conditions:enough non-agricultural employment opportunities,strong farm economic strength,and high level of agricultural production and management.At the end of the article,five policy recommendations are proposed,including compre⁃hensively launching the reform of state-owned farm enterprise and corporatization,standardizing the household contract leasing sys⁃tem for employees,and strengthening the transformation of the dual management system into a centralized management guidance of the company system.
Liao Hongle(Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100810,China)
Xinjiang State Farms Economy
state-owned farms
agricultural production and operation system
family farm
company farm
moderate sized operation in agriculture