

The Progress of Criminal Laws and Regulations on Ilegal Sand-Mining in Yangtze River Basin in the Context of Yangtze River Protection
摘要 长江流域非法采砂犯罪污染水环境,破坏水生生物资源,威胁航道和防洪安全,对流域生态环境造成极大的破坏,是长江大保护中的重大环境和生态治理问题。2016年,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院在《关于办理非法采矿、破坏性采矿刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》中指出,非法采矿罪适用于河道上的非法采砂犯罪。解释实施后,长江流域采砂管理秩序总体可控,但是司法实践中以非法采矿罪追究非法采砂行为的刑事责任,存在罪名定性不准、许可证制度混乱和刑罚制度不完善的困境。因此,要重新审视非法采砂犯罪的背后层法益,提出增设单独的非法采砂罪、厘清采矿许可证和采砂许可证的界限、丰富刑罚处罚种类的进路,为长江流域生态保护提供更加有力的法律保障。 The crime of illegal sand-mining in the Yangtze River basin pollutes the water environment,destroys aquatic biological resources,threatens the safety of navigation channels and flood control,and causes great damage to the ecological environment of the basin,which is a major environmental and ecological governance issue in the great protection of the Yangtze River.In 2016,the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate pointed out in the"Interpretation of Issues on Several Issues on the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Illegal Mining and Destructive Mining"that The crime of illegal mining applies to the crime of llegal sand mining on rivers.After the implementation of the Interpretation,the overall order of sand mining management in the Yangtze River Basin has been controllable,however,the judicial practice of pursuing criminal liability for illegal sand mining with the crime of illegal mining suffers from the dilemma of inaccurate characterization of the crime,confusing licensing system,and imperfect penal system.Therefore,it is necessary to re-examine the layer of legal interests behind the crime of illegal sand mining,and propose the way forward to add a separate crime of llegal sand mining,clarify the boundaries between mining licenses and sand mining licenses,and enrich the types of criminal penalties,so as to further strengthen the ecological protection of the Yangtze River Basin.
作者 谢晖 XIE Hui(School of Political Science&Law,Hubei University of Arts and Science,Xiangyang 441053,Hubei,China)
出处 《安康学院学报》 2024年第4期86-91,97,共7页 Journal of Ankang University
基金 2024年湖北省高校人文社科重点研究基地——湖北文理学院鄂北区域发展研究中心课题“襄阳都市圈重点流域水环境综合治理的法律制度研究”(2024JDB01)。
关键词 长江大保护 生态环境 非法采砂 刑法规制 Yangtze River Protection ecological environment illegal sand-mining criminal law system
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