

Mechanization technology for feed corn production in Xinjiang:harvesting
摘要 收获是制种玉米种植的重要环节,制种玉米收获分为种子收获和秸秆收获,种子收获有带皮果穗收获、不带皮果穗收获和籽粒收获三种方式,带皮果穗收获对种子的损伤和浪费量最小,但是对种子加工生产线的技术水平要求较高,目前使用较多的是不带皮果穗收获。秸秆收获有青贮收获和黄贮收获两种方式,制种玉米父本青贮收获缺少成熟可用的收获装备,未考虑农药残留的影响,黄贮收获时过多的注重经济收益,而未考虑可持续发展。为了提高制种玉米收获质量,需要提高整个制种行业技术水平,加强规范,才能实现制种玉米种植高质量、高收益和可持续发展。 Harvesting is an important part of corn for seed cultivation,which can be divided into seed harvesting and straw harvesting.There are three ways for seed harvesting:harvesting with peeled fruit ears,harvesting without peeled fruit ears,and har vesting with seeds.Harvesting with peeled fruit ears causes the least damage and waste to seeds,but this way requires ahigh level of technical proficiency in seed processing production lines,so harvesting without peeled fruit ears is widely used now.There are two ways for straw harvesting:silage harvesting and yellow silage harvesting.The silage harvesting of male parent of seed maize lacks mature and available harvesting equipment,and the impact of pesticide residues is not considered during the harvesting proces.The yellow silage harvesting of male parent of seed maize focuses too much on economic returns without considering sustainable development.In order to improve the harvesting quality of corn for seed,it is necessary to comprehensively improve the technical level of the entire seed production industry and strengthen the standardization.Only then willit be possible to realize high-quality,high-yield and sustainable development in seed maize cultivation.
作者 刘洋 石玉海 胡圣尧 李斌 董云成 王士国 Liu Yang;Shi Yuhai;Hu Shengyao;Li Bin;Dong Yuncheng;Wang Shiguo(Machinery Equipment Research Institute,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Science,Shihezi,832000,Xinjiang,China;Kunshan Dingji Precision Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd.,Kunshan,215313,Jiangsu,China;College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Changzhou Institute of Technology,Changzhou,213032,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《新疆农机化》 2024年第4期5-8,共4页 Xinjiang Agricultural Mechanization
基金 兵团重点领域科技攻关计划(2023AB015),“兵团英才”人才培养工程。
关键词 制种玉米 玉米果穗 饲料 收获 Corn forseed,Corn ear,Forage Harvesting
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