

Evolving Norms of ASEAN Regional Migration Governance and Its Effects
摘要 移民的频繁流动一直是东南亚地区的重要特征,其中区域内国家间移民约占移民总量的1/3,且非正规渠道移民占比尤高,这使得移民治理成为东南亚地区面临的重要挑战。作为区域性的重要行为体,东盟在区域移民治理中发挥着超越具体实践的规范性作用。规范的社会化是一个制度化和习惯化的过程,可以从话语和制度建设两个方面来审视规范的演进状态。因此,本文从政策文本和组织机构的变化详析东盟区域移民治理的规范演进,并根据其特点进行比较和分析,认为东盟区域移民规范呈现出国际化、本土化、多元性和实践性的特征。国际化是东盟区域移民治理规范的发展趋势,本土化是社会化的诉求。而以言语是否可接受和经验是否可行对东盟区域移民治理规范进行分析,可以发现实践进程中的多元性是移民规范在东盟区域动态演进的重要特征。在这一进程中,东盟起到了规范性力量的领导作用,强调多样性和包容性而非一致性,强调进程中的韧性,而不需要设定唯一的终点目标。因此,规范的社会化进程并不一定指向“言语可接受且经验可行”的终极内化,而是一种动态流动的进程状态。 The frequent flow of migrants has always been an important feature in Southeast Asia.With about one-third of the total migrants are inter-regional oriented,and a particularly high proportion from informal channels,regional migration governance became a significant challenge for Southeast Asia.As an important regional actor,ASEAN plays a normative role in regional migration governance that goes beyond specific practices.The socialization of norms is a process of institutionalization and habituation,and the evolution of norms can be examined from two aspects:discourse and institutional construction.Therefore,this article provides a detailed analysis of the evolving norms of migration governance in ASEAN region from the perspective of policy texts and organizational changes,and compares and analyzes its characteristics.It is believed that the migration norms in the ASEAN region exhibit characteristics of internationalization,localization,diversity,and practicality.Internationalization is the evolving trend of ASEAN regional migration governance norms,while localization is a demand for socialization.Analyzing the ASEAN regional migration governance norms based on the acceptability of language and the feasibility of experience reveals that diversity in the practical process is an important characteristic of ASEAN regional migration governance norms.In this process,ASEAN has played a leading role as a normative force,emphasizing diversity and inclusivity rather than consistency;emphasizing resilience in the process,without the need to set a single endpoint goal.Therefore,the norms socialization process does not necessarily point to the ultimate internalization of“acceptable speech”and“feasible experience”,but rather a state of dynamically flowing process state.
作者 谢婷婷 XIE Tingting(College of International Relations,Huaqiao University,Quanzhou,China)
出处 《东南亚研究》 2024年第3期23-43,154,共22页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“西方国家智库涉疆舆论生产、国际传播策略及其应对研究”(23BGJ018)。
关键词 东盟 区域移民治理 规范演进 国际化 本土化 多元性 实践性 ASEAN Regional Migration Governance Evolving Norms Internationalization Localization Diversity Practicality
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