

The Theoretical Evolution of New Qualitative Forces from the Perspective of“Qualitative View”
摘要 数字时代的新变化对经济生产领域产生了深远影响,传统生产力不能适应现代化的新变化和新要求,新质生产力的提出为全国经济发展新动能和产业发展指明了方向。文章以一种全新的“质态观”视角解析新质生产力的理论演进,从理论概念和源头探寻新质生产力的理论基础,在质态观分析框架下解析生产力新质态的内涵和形成机理,最后总结新质生产力的发展特征和实践进路。“质态观”的唯物主义辩证属性和辩证唯物的发展属性,揭示了新质生产力在其内涵和外延表达上的基本特征,内涵上表现为新质生产力是生产力质量互变的结果,核心在于科学技术创新带来生产力变化的复杂性和动态性。从“质”上体现出科技创新对生产力要素及其组合的赋能状况,从“量”上体现出科技创新对新质生产力的赋能程度及新质生产力对经济社会发展的渗透力和贡献度上,进一步地,质量互变在自然、文化、政策和体制的影响中逐步形成新质生产力。外延上新质生产力表现出相对性、连贯性、复杂性和实践性特征,这些属性指示发展新质生产力要注重提高推陈出新的能力、注重继承性和全局把控,并通过建构自主知识体系、创新文化传承和发展高新技术产业的具体实践来为新质生产力的持续发展提供原动力. The new changes in the digital age have had a profound impact on the field of economic production,and the traditional pro-ductive forces cannot adapt to the new changes and new requirements of modernization.The proposal of new quality productive forc-es has pointed out the direction for the new momentum of national economic development and industrial development.This paper an-alyzes the theoretical logic of the new qualitative productive forces from the perspective of a new"qualitative view",starts from the analysis of theoretical concepts and sources,constructs a theoretical framework for analyzing the connotation and formation mecha-nism of the new qualitative productive forces,and summarizes the development characteristics and practical approaches of the new qualitative productive forces.The materialist dialectical attribute and the development attribute of dialectical materialism of the"qualitative view"reveal the basic characteristics of the new qualitative productive forces in their connotation and extensional ex-pression,which is manifested in the fact that the new qualitative productive forces are the result of the mutual change of the quality of the productive forces,and the core lies in the complexity and dynamics of the changes in the productive forces brought about by scientific and technological innovation.From the"quality",it reflects the empowerment of scientific and technological innovation to productivity elements and their combinations.From the"quantity",it reflects the degree of empowerment of scientific and technologi-cal innovation to new productive forces and the penetration and contribution of new productivity to economic and social development.In terms of extension,the new quality productivity shows the characteristics of relativity,consistency,complexity and practicability,which indicate that the development of the new quality productivity should focus on the improvement of the ability to push forward the new,focus on inheritance,focus on the overall control,and provide a source of impetus for the sustainable development of the new quality productivity through the construction of an independent knowledge system,the inheritance of an innovative culture,and the development of the high-tech industry in concrete practice.
作者 杨明洪 袁子媚 Yang Minghong;Yuan Zimei
出处 《财经科学》 北大核心 2024年第7期66-79,共14页 Finance & Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“构建促进全体人民共同富裕的区域新形态及其区域政策优化研究”(22AZD020)的资助。
关键词 新质生产力 质态观 理论演进 “两个结合” New Productive Forces View of New Qualitative State Theoretical Logic “Two Combinations”
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