

Design and Testing of A New Peroxyacetyl Nitrate Synthesis Device
摘要 本研究针对过氧乙酰硝酸酯(PAN)标准气体制备装置存在的技术问题进行了针对性改进,设计了基于四面阵LED和螺旋形反应管的新型PAN制备装置。测试结果表明:该装置输出气体的线性相关系数R2达到0.9998,梯度稳定性均可以满足现场使用的要求,可以为过氧乙酰硝酸酯分析仪提供可靠的校准和标定服务,有望在我国光化学监测网络建设中得到应用。 Aiming at the technical problems of the current peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN)standard gas preparation,a new type of PAN preparation device based on four-face array LEDs and spiral reaction tubes was designed.The test results show that the linear correlation coefficient R?of the device reaches 0.9998,and the gradient stability and long-term stability can meet the requirements of field use,and it can provide reliable calibration and calibration services for peroxyacetyl nitrate analyser,which is expected to be applied in the construction of photochemical monitoring network in China.
作者 屈晓虎 崔志旺 郭小龙 张成龙 孙程 纪亮亮 QU Xiao-hu;CUI Zhi-wang;GUO Xiao-long;ZHANG Cheng-long;SUN Cheng;JI Liang-liang(Hebei Xianhe Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shijiazhuang 050035;Ecological Environment Research Centre,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China)
出处 《中国环保产业》 2024年第6期70-72,共3页 China Environmental Protection Industry
基金 河北省重大科技成果转化专项——大气中线分析仪的产业化研究(22293901Z)。
关键词 过氧乙酰硝酸酯 标准气体 光化学反应 制备 peroxyacetyl nitrate standard gas photochemical reaction preparation
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