
立足经济发展、突出本土特色、发挥地缘优势的区域国别人才培养——以韩国延世大学为例 被引量:1

摘要 区域国别学自2022年被设为一级学科后受到了学界的广泛关注,但交叉学科在我国尚未建立完备的学科体系,区域国别学的人才培养体系也存在不足之处。本文在深入研究延世大学区域国别人才培养的专业设置、培养目标、课程体系、研究中心等之后发现该校非常注重培养多语区域国别人才;研究问题以本土为中心,旨在强化本土文化输出;根据社会需求在区域研究中添加经济、商务等元素,兼顾学术与就业,全面落实跨学科概念;依靠地缘优势深入研究东亚区域,为后续区域研究奠定基础。以延世大学为代表的韩国区域国别人才培养实践,为我国进一步完善区域国别人才培养体系建设的课程体系、语言能力要求、本土研究策略和本硕衔接方法提供了有益的参考。 Since its establishment as an independent discipline in 2022,Area Studies has received widespread attention from the academic community,but the cross-disciplinary discipline has not yet established a comprehensive disciplinary system in China,and the talents cultivation system for Area Studies is facing great challenges.Based on the practice of cultivation in Area Studies in South Korea,this article explores the features of Yonsei University's Area Studies talents cultivation through an overview of its Area Studies-related faculties and specialties and examines its specialization,objectives,curriculum,and research center.Yonsei University focuses on the cultivation of multilingual talents in Area Studies;emphasizes local issues and aims to strengthen the export of local culture;balances academics and employment,adds economic and business elements to Area Studies according to the needs of society,implements interdisciplinary concepts and encourages students to diversify their careers and relies on its geographical advantage to study the East Asian area in depth,laying the foundation for subsequent area studies.The author gains insights from the analysis of Yonsei University's practice in talents cultivation to provide references for the curriculum arrangement,language requirements,local research strategies and bachelor-master cohesions for talents cultivation in Area Studies in China.
出处 《复旦外国语言文学论丛》 2024年第2期31-39,共9页 Fudan Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature
基金 2022年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“国别与区域高端外语人才培养国际比较研究”(项目编号:22BYY088)的阶段性成果。
关键词 区域国别学 人才培养 韩国 课程设置 培养目标 专业设置 Area Studies talents cultivation Korea curriculum design educational objectives specialties
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