

Textual Research on the"Illustration of Jetavanavihar"in Sui Dynasty Cave 292 in the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang
摘要 敦煌莫高窟隋代第292窟前室西壁的未知名故事画,根据遗存画面、榜题等内容来看,应为依《贤愚经·须达起精舍品》绘制的“祇园记图”。此图较为完整地表现了《须达起精舍品》所载“须达起精舍”“降魔”和“佛陀说法”三部分内容。是目前可知莫高窟同类题材中时代最早、内容最全、构图形式最复杂的一铺。该壁画的识读,不仅为该题材相关研究补充了重要原始图像素材,而且对全面认识和研究后世降魔变文、劳度差斗圣变等内容的发展具有重要的启示意义。 The untitled sutra illustration painting on the west wall in the antechamber of Mogao cave 292 from the Sui dynasty can be concluded to be a depiction of Jetavanavihar that was created according to the scenes of The Sutra of the Wise and Foolish:Chapter Concerning Sudatta Having aVihara Built The painting presents a relatively complete depiction of the three main scenes of the sutra,namely"Sudatta having a vihara built,""Defeating Mara"and"The Buddha's sermon."This painting is significant because it is the earliest and most complete image of this theme found to date,and because the compositional form of the mural is among the most complex among paintings of its kind at Mogao.Identifying this painting provides an important supplement to primary research material useful for further research on the theme of Jetavanavihar,and corrects the previous view that there was no such sutra illustration in the caves of the Sui dynasty at Dunhuang.In addition,the content of the painting is also highly relevant to studies on the content development of two later documents,Xiangmo Bianwen降魔变文(Transformation Text on Subduing Demons)and Laoducha Dousheng Bian劳度差斗圣变(Transformation Text about Raudraksa's Battle with Sariputra).
作者 赵燕林 ZHAO Yanlin(Institute of Archaeology,Dunhuang Academy,Dunhuang 736200,Gansu)
出处 《敦煌研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期75-86,共12页 Dunhuang Research
基金 2021年度甘肃省社科规划一般项目《敦煌百年考古史研究》(2021YB151)。
关键词 莫高窟第292窟 祇园记图 劳度差斗圣变 Mogao cave 292 Jetavanavihar illustration Raudraksa's Battle with Sariputra








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