

Generation Mechanism and Treatment Path ofFuture Community Construction Risk
摘要 未来社区建设是新发展格局下推动城乡社区融合发展、促进社区高质量发展的方式和过程。风险社会的不确定性、复杂性、多样性和模糊性使得社会风险不可预测、不可控、不可回避。如何从社会治理的角度认识和把握未来社区建设风险,探索防范与化解风险的机制,是推进未来社区建设亟待解决的重大现实课题。当前,未来社区建设存在社区价值理念冲突风险、现代新兴科技应用风险以及社区资源配置风险。未来社区建设存在风险的主要原因是社会空间重塑、数字空间重塑以及制度空间重塑的不协调与不同步。防范与化解未来社区建设风险应立足于人本化、智慧化、共享化和绿色化的价值导向,加强人本化的社区建设价值理念、智慧化的“人—机治理共同体”机制、共享化的社区公共服务供给机制和绿色化的全要素、多层次社区融合机制的整体性构建。 The future community construction is a way and process to promote the integrated development of urban and rural communities and promote the high-quality development of communities under the new development pattern.The uncertainty,complexity,diversity and fuzziness of risk society make social risk unpredictable,uncontrollable and unavoidable.How to understand and grasp the possible risks of future community construction from the perspective of social governance and explore the mechanism of risk prevention and resolution is an important practical topic to be solved urgently to promote the construction of future community.At present,there are the following possible risks in the future community construction:the risk of conflict of community value concept,the risk of application of modern emerging technology and the risk of community resource allocation.The main reason for the risk of future community construction is the incoordination and unsynchronization of social space reshaping,digital space reshaping and institutional space reshaping.Therefore,prevention and resolution of future community construction risks should be based on the value orientation of humanism,wisdom,sharing and green,and strengthen the overall construction of humanistic community construction value concept,intelligent“human-machine governance community”mechanism,sharing community public service supply mechanism and green all-factor multi-level community integration mechanism.
作者 吴军民 WU Junmin(College of Cultural Tourism and Public Administration,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 351117,China)
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期55-64,共10页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 贵州省2023年度哲学社会科学规划重大项目“发展全过程人民民主推进贵州基层治理现代化研究”(23GZZB14)的阶段性成果。
关键词 未来社区建设 风险治理 空间机理 人—机治理共同体 future community construction risk management spatial mechanism man-machine governance community
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