
基于Cite Space的污水处理厂生命周期碳排放评价领域研究热点

Research hotspots in application of life cycle assessment to the study of carbon emissions in wastewater treatment plants elucidated via CiteSpace
摘要 污水处理厂是温室气体排放的重要来源之一,生命周期评价(LCA)对制定污水处理厂碳减排策略和指导新技术向环境友好型方向发展具有重要作用.为揭示近23年来LCA在污水处理厂碳排放领域的发展历程和研究热点,采用CiteSpace和Origin软件对WebofScience核心合集数据库中该领域相关文献的研究前沿、研究方向、研究热点及热点演变趋势进行定量分析. 2001-2023年间,污水处理厂生命周期碳排放领域年发文量整体呈现增长趋势;研究的中坚力量集中在中国和美国;明确污水处理厂生命周期碳排放研究的目标和范围定义、功能单元和系统边界、数据清单中变量及其来源、影响评估方法和结果解释方法,是应用LCA法设计和优化污水处理厂碳排放的知识基础;该领域目前的研究方向主要集中在评估不同污水处理、污泥处理技术和资源/能源回收技术的碳排放、能源消耗以及全球变暖潜力等环境影响;“资源回收”和“模型”以及两者的结合是未来的研究热点和发展趋势.由此可见,未来的研究应在提高模型评估结果准确性的基础上,深入探究不同处理技术和资源/能源回收技术的碳减排潜力,从LCA的角度优化碳减排方案. Wastewater treatment plants contribute significantly to greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions.Life cycle assessment(LCA)plays a crucial role in devising carbon emission reduction strategies for these plants and in guiding the development of new environmentally friendly technologies.To elucidate LCA-reliant development trends and research hotspots focused on carbon emissions from wastewater treatment plants spanning the past 23 years,a quantitative analysis of the research frontier,directions,hotspots,and their evolving trends was conducted using CiteSpace and Origin software and the Web of Science Core Collection database.From 2001 to 2023,an overall increasing trend was observed in the annual publication volume in the field of life cycle carbon emissions from wastewater treatment plants.The main research engines are concentrated in China and the United States.Defining the research objectives,scope,functional units,system boundaries,variables,data sources,impact assessment methods,and result interpretation methods for life-cycle carbon emissions from wastewater treatment plants is foundational to applying LCA to the design and optimization of wastewater treatment plant carbon emission mitigation measures.Current research in this field mainly focuses on assessing carbon emissions,energy consumption,and global warming potential of different wastewater treatments,sludge treatments,and resource/energy recovery technologies.Future research should focus on improving the accuracy of model evaluation results and deeply explore the carbon emission reduction potential of different treatments and resource/energy recovery technologies from the perspective of LCA to optimize carbon emission reduction schemes.
作者 唐婧 李威潭 杨佳豪 TANG Jing;LI Weitan;YANG Jiahao(School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering,Shenyang Jianzhu University,Shenyang 110168,China)
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期633-641,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金 辽宁省教育厅重点攻关项目(LJKZZ20220081)资助。
关键词 CITESPACE 生命周期评价 污水处理厂 碳排放 知识图谱 CiteSpace life cycle assessment wastewater treatment plant carbon emission knowledge map
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