

Artificial Intelligence Affordance,Intelligent Manufacturing Platform Value Co-Creation and Digital Transformation Performance of Manufacturing Enterprises
摘要 基于技术可供性实现理论,本文尝试探索人工智能可供性对制造企业数字化转型绩效的影响,并研究智能制造平台价值共创在其中的重要作用。具体而言,本文在开发智能制造平台价值共创量表的基础上,遵循技术可供性实现理论的“技术可供性一可供性实现一绩效提升”研究逻辑,明确人工智能可供性、智能制造平台价值共创和数字化转型绩效之间的关系,据此提出研究假说,并进行实证检验。研究发现,智能制造平台价值共创包含互补企业价值共创和用户价值共创两个关键维度;人工智能自主可供性和交互可供性对数字化转型绩效具有显著的正向影响,智能制造平台价值共创在其中发挥中介作用。本文研究了人工智能可供性、智能制造平台价值共创和制造企业数字化转型绩效之间的关系,丰富了技术可供性实现理论、价值共创理论和数字化转型理论的相关研究,在实践层面上对中国制造企业如何利用人工智能技术实现数字化转型具有重要启示。 In practice,artificial intelligence(AI)has played an important role in the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises.The intelligent transformation strategy with Al as the core has promoted the transformation from“manufacturing”to“intelligent manufacturing”.However,existing research has not yet clarified the internal mechanism of how AI technologies improve digital transformation performance.In this context,enterprises find it difficult to give full play to the role of Al technologies in transformation,and the driving role of AI technologies in digital transformation has not been explained in theory.Based on the technology affordance actualization theory,this paper explores the impact of Al affordance on the digital transformation performance of manufacturing enterprises,and the important role of intelligent manufacturing platform value co-creation.Specifically,this paper develops the scale of intelligent manufacturing platform value co-creation.Following the research logic of“technology affordance-affordance actualization-performance improvement”ofthetechnology affordance actualization theory,this paper clarifies the relationship between Al affordance,intelligent manufacturing platform value co-creation,and digital transformation performance,and puts forward research hypotheses.Then it carries out empirical research to test the hypotheses and draw conclusions.The findings are that intelligent manufacturing platform value co-creation includes complementary enterprise value co-creation and user value co-creation;autonomous affordance and interactive affordance of Al have a significant positive impact on digital transformation performance;and intelligent manufacturing platform value co-creation plays a mediating role.In terms of theoretical significance,this paper opens the theoretical black box of the influence of Al affordance on digital transformation performance,enriches theoretical research on Al affordance against the background of digital transformation,and reveals the actualization mechanism of Al affordance through the mediating effect of intelligent manufacturing platform value co-creation.In terms of practical significance,this paper reveals that enterprises should use Al technologies to accelerate intelligent upgrading and promote“manufacturing”to“intelligent manufacturing”.At the national level,it needs to promote the implementation of policies of AI empowering the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing,and further implement intelligent manufacturing projects.
作者 马鸿佳 林樾 苏中锋 王亚婧 MAHong-jia;LIN Yue;SU Zhong-feng;WANG Ya-jing(School of Business and Management,Jilin University;School of Management,Xi'an Jiaotong University)
出处 《中国工业经济》 北大核心 2024年第6期155-173,共19页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“新创企业惯例多层级动态模型及演化机理研究”(批准号71972084) 国家自然科学基金重大项目“创新驱动创业的重大理论与实践问题研究”(批准号72091310)课题一“数字经济下的创新驱动创业的基础理论”(批准号72091315)。
关键词 制造企业数字化转型 技术可供性实现理论 人工智能可供性 智能制造平台价值共创 digital transformation of manufacturing genterprises technology yaffordance actualization theory AI affordance intelligent manufacturing platform value co-creation
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