

Discussion on the Curriculum Setting of Ornamental Grass Production and Application in High Vocational Colleges
摘要 观赏草是一类以禾本科草本为主的具有观赏价值的园林绿化植物,因适应性强、养护成本低、观赏期长等优点,正成为园林绿化领域的新宠。观赏草在形态特征、生产繁育、养护管理等方面都与传统园林绿化植物不同,观赏草的生产应用是相对独立的技术体系。但目前国内职业院校尚无观赏草生产与应用相关课程。该文计划建设观赏草生产与应用课程,将其作为高等职业院校园林类专业的选修课,从高等职业院校园林类专业的人才培养目标及教学要求出发,提出课程设置的总体思路与目标,从编制教学大纲、组织课程内容、强化实践教学、运用先进教学手段、与企业合作育人、编写教材,以及建立多元评价体系、实施常态化思政教育等方面初步探讨了课程设置的思路。 Ornamental grasses are a class of ornamental landscaping plants dominated by grasses in the Poaceae family,which are becoming a new hot trend in the field of landscaping due to their advantages of strong adaptabil⁃ity,low maintenance costs,and long ornamental periods.Ornamental grasses differ from traditional landscaping plants in terms of morphological characteristics,production and breeding,and maintenance management.The pro⁃duction and application of ornamental grasses is a relatively independent technical system.However,there is cur⁃rently no relevant course on the production and application of ornamental grasses in our vocational colleges.This team plans to build a course on the production and application of ornamental grasses,which will become an elec⁃tive course for landscape majors in higher vocational colleges.Starting from the talent training objectives and teaching requirements of landscape majors in higher vocational colleges,the team proposes the overall ideas and goals of curriculum setting.From the preparation of syllabuses,organization of course content,strengthening of practical teaching,application of advanced teaching methods,cooperation with enterprises in educating people,writing textbooks,and establishing a diversified evaluation system,the team discusses the ideas of curriculum set⁃ting from the aspects of implementing normalized ideological and political education.
作者 董臣飞 杨宝玲 DONG Chenfei;YANG Baoling
出处 《科教文汇》 2024年第15期157-160,共4页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 江苏省林业科技创新与推广项目“江苏观赏草种质资源保存与创新利用长期科研基地”(LYKJ[2022]23)。
关键词 观赏草生产与应用 课程设置 实践技能 思政教育 Ornamental Grass Production and Application curriculum setting practical skills ideological and political education
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