

The Legal Principles and Normative Approaches to the Eligibility of Enterprise Environmental Protection Credit Evaluation Entities
摘要 评价主体适格性是企业环保信用评价制度的基础性法律问题。现有规范规定企业环保信用评价的主体是生态环境部门,生态环境部门作为评价主体是否适格,理论及实践中一直存有疑虑,但既有成果仅限于基本判断,尚缺乏逻辑自洽的法理论证。生态环境部门作为评价主体实施的评价行为在行政法上定性困难,既有的非强制行政手段说、非行政许可审批说、行政确认说等均不能周延解释生态环境部门评价行政行为的定性问题。第三方机构作为环保信用评价主体存在正当的评价权源,即第三方的评价权利具有明确的社会利益需求来源,同时也具备权利来源的认识论基础。企业环保信用评价主体从生态环境部门向第三方机构的转向具有域外法移植的基础,解决了企业环保信用评价活动中权力-权利配置错位问题,妥当厘清了政府权力和市场权利行使的适宜边界。环保信用评价主体适格性的保障规范应从第三方机构的权利配置与义务设定、外部行政监管与内部自我规制协同、法律责任承担规范补强等方面展开。 The eligibility of evaluation subjects is a fundamental legal issue for the credit evaluation system of enterprise environmental protection.The existing regulations stipulate that the main body of enterprise environmental protection credit evaluation is the ecological environment department,and there have always been doubts in theory and practice about whether the ecological environment department is qualified as the main body of evaluation,but the existing achievements are limited to basic judgments,and there is still a lack of logical and self⁃consistent legal evidence.It is difficult to characterize the evaluation behavior carried out by the ecological environment department as the evaluation subject in the administrative law,and the existing theories of non⁃compulsory administrative means,non⁃administrative licensing approval,and administrative confirmation cannot explain the qualitative issues of the evaluation of administrative acts by the ecological environment department.As the subject of environmental credit evaluation,the third⁃party institution has a legitimate source of evaluation rights,that is,the evaluation rights of the third party have a clear source of social interest demand,and also have an epistemological basis for the source of rights.The shift of the main body of enterprise environmental protection credit evaluation from the ecological environment department to the third⁃party evaluation agency solves the problem of misalignment of power⁃right allocation in enterprise environmental protection credit evaluation activities,and properly clarifies the appropriate boundary between the exercise of government power and market power.The guarantee norms for the eligibility of environmental credit evaluation subjects should be carried out from the aspects of configuring rights and obligations,improving supervision systems,and strengthening responsibility norms.
作者 王莉 Wang Li(School of Civil,Commercial and Economic Law of Henan University of Economics and Law,Zhengzhou Henan 450046)
出处 《政法论丛》 北大核心 2024年第4期158-172,共15页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“我国企业环保信用评价制度的规则健全及入典安排研究”(23BFX099)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 环保信用评价 主体适格 第三方机构 权力-权利配置 法律责任 environmental protection credit evaluation subject eligibility third⁃party organizations power⁃entitlement allocation legal liability
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