

Considerations on the Establishment of Basic Principlesin “the Prosecutorial Public Interest Litigation Law”
摘要 “检察公益诉讼法”制定的基本原则是贯穿这部法律和检察公益诉讼实施过程的根本性、指导性原则,是高度抽象的行为规范和价值判断标准。自检察公益诉讼制度正式确立以来,中央和地方层面出台了多种规范性文件,为“检察公益诉讼法”基本原则的确定提供了重要的现实参考和依据。“检察公益诉讼法”基本原则的确定需要在理论层面对检察机关在公益诉讼中的地位、检察公益诉讼的地位以及检察公益诉讼的实践样态作出回应,以综合考量“遵循诉讼制度的原则”“遵循宪法、法律、相关法规的原则”“《人民检察院组织法》《检察官法》中的原则性规定”是否可纳入基本原则的范畴。立足于检察公益诉讼的本质属性,同时指导行政公益诉讼和民事公益诉讼,兼顾诉前程序和诉讼程序,建议将“检察公益诉讼法”的基本原则确立为“公共利益保护原则”“客观公正原则”“相互配合、相互制约、协同保护原则”。 The basic principles of“the Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation Law”are the fundamental and guiding principles that run through“the Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation Law”and the implementation process of procuratorial public interest litiga⁃tion.They are highly abstract behavioral norms and value judgment standards.Since the formal establishment of the procuratorial public interest litigation system,various normative documents have been issued at the central and local levels,providing important practical references and basis for the determination of the basic principles of“the Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation Law”.The determination of the basic principles of“the Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation Law”requires a theoretical response to the position of the procuratorial organs in public interest litigation,the status of procuratorial public interest litigation and the practical situation of procuratorial public interest litigation.In order to comprehensively consider whether“the principles of following the litigation system”,“the principles of following the Constitution,laws and relevant regulations”,and“the principled provisions of the Organization Law of the People’s Procuratorate”and“the Prosecutor’s Law”can be included in the scope of basic principles.Based on the essential attributes of procuratorial public interest litigation,while guiding administrative public interest litigation and civil public interest litigation,taking into account pre-litigation procedures and litigation procedures,it is proposed that the basic principles of“the procuratorial public interest Litigation Law”be established as the“principle of public interest protection”,“principle of objectivity and impartiality”,and“principle of mutual cooperation,mutual restraint,and collaborative protection”.
作者 练育强 Lian Yuqiang
出处 《中州学刊》 北大核心 2024年第8期55-66,共12页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“国民卫生健康治理法治化研究”(20&ZD187)。
关键词 检察机关 公益诉讼法 “检察公益诉讼法” 基本原则 procuratorial organs public interest litigation law “the Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation Law” fundamental principles
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