

The Interaction between Individuals and Environment:Inspiration and Protection of Top-notch Innovative Learning Behavior
摘要 揭示个体与教育环境的动态交互,是拔尖创新人才培养研究的重点和难点。为阐释能够激发、保护拔尖创新学习行为的一般性环境特征及其影响机制,文章以国立西南联合大学为案例,通过“六维度学习轮”框架分析,尝试归纳人与环境互动的科学范型。研究结果表明,“小、严、容、静”的教育环境有助于激发自主学习、自由探索、自我管理:一是小型规模,紧密的共同体有利于志同道合关系的形成;二是严谨治学,严格选拔造就群贤毕至环境,严苛考核奠定扎实基础;三是包容氛围,多元与容错空间促进自主选择和创新能力发展;四是宁静致远,着眼长远的环境涵养虚壹而静的学术品质。在高等教育普及化的今天,我国拔尖创新人才培养面临新的情况,虽然不能照搬历史,但可以理性认识、择善而从。规模上,由于优质教育资源尚不充分,无法满足全面的因材施教,应减缓专项计划扩张速度,适度控制培养规模;质量上,改变“重选拔、轻培养”松懈育人过程,在人与环境互动上精耕细作,提高既有规模的成材率;氛围上,破除约束学生成长的条框限制,促进个性发展;方式上,赋予学生更多自主空间,突破疲于应付、难以专注的学习困境。 Revealing the dynamic interaction between individuals and educational environments is the focus and difficulty of research on cultivating top-notch innovative talents.To elucidate the general environmental characteristics and influencing mechanisms that can stimulate and protect top-notch innovative learning behavior,the research takes National Southwest Associated University as a case and attempts to summarize the scientific paradigm of interaction through the"six dimensional learning wheel"framework analysis.The research results indicate that an educational environment that is"small,strict,tolerant,and quiet"helps to stimulate self-directed learning,free exploration,and self-management.Firstly,a small and close community is conducive to the formation of like-minded relationships;The second is rigorous scholarship,strict selection is good to construct a galaxy talents,and rigorous assessment is in favor to lay a solid foundation;The third is an inclusive atmosphere,where diversity and tolerance promote the development of independent choice and innovation capabilities;The fourth is to cultivate a serene and far-reaching academic quality by focusing on the long-term environment.Nowadays,with the popularization of higher education,the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents in China is facing new situations.Although we cannot simply copy history,we can rationally understand it and learn from experience.In terms of scale,due to insufficient high-quality educational resources,it is not possible to meet the comprehensive individualized learning needs.Therefore,the expansion speed of talents'plans should be slowed down and the scale of training should be moderately controlled;In terms of quality,we need to change the relaxed process of"emphasizing selection over cultivation"and focus on cultivating talents.We need to work hard in the interaction between individuals and the environment to improve the success rate of existing scale;In terms of atmosphere,we should break down the constraints on students'growth and promote individual development;In terms of approach,students should be given more autonomy to overcome the learning difficulties of being overwhelmed and unable to focus.
作者 刘湉祎 Liu Tianyi
出处 《江苏高教》 北大核心 2024年第8期91-101,共11页 Jiangsu Higher Education
基金 国家社会科学基金2022年度教育学青年课题“中国本科拔尖创新人才学习行为及其与环境互动机制研究”(CIA220284)。
关键词 拔尖创新人才 教育环境 学习行为 互动 西南联合大学 top-notch innovative talents educational environment learning behavior interaction National Southwestern Associated University
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