

The Dilemma of the Types of Administrative Coercive Measures Set by Local Regulations and Its Solution
摘要 行政强制措施是重要的行政手段,现行法上规定地方性法规仅可以设定查封、扣押的行政强制措施,并不合理。这种做法不仅不符合比例原则,而且也导致地方立法没有抓手,影响行政许可、行政处罚的实施。扩张地方性法规的行政强制措施种类设定权具有正当性,违背控权论、破坏法制统一、违反法律保留原则等质疑均无法构成反对地方性法规立法权扩张的决定性理由。从强制对象和强制程度两个维度进行考察可以发现,地方性法规不得针对公民人身权和法律保留的财产权设定行政强制措施。对于其他财产权,地方性法规不得设定破坏或者消灭公民财产以及直接导致财产所有权转移的行政强制措施,但是可以设定完全限制或者部分限制公民对财产的占有、使用、收益、处分的行政强制措施。地方性法规设定行政强制措施种类应当受到立法事项、比例原则、立法程序和事后监督等方面的限制。 Administrative coercive measures are important administrative measures.It is stipulated in current laws that local regulations can only establish two administrative coercive measures:sealing and seizure.The stipulation is not reasonable in that it not only violates the principle of proportionality,but also leads to a lack of effective local legislation,affecting the implementation of administrative licensing and punishment.Expansion of the power to create types of administrative coercive measures for local regulations is legitimate.Doubts such as violating the theory of control,undermining the unity of the legal system,and violating the principle of legal retention cannot constitute a decisive reason for opposing the expansion of the legislative power of local regulations.Based on the dimensions of coercive objects and degree,it can be found that local regulations cannot set administrative coercive measures for personal rights and property rights reserved by law.For other property rights,local regulations may not establish administrative coercive measures that destroy or eliminate citizens property or directly lead to the transfer of property ownership.However,administrative coercive measures that completely or partially restrict citizens’possession,use,income,and disposal of property may be established.The establishment of administrative coercive measures in local regulations should be limited by legislative matters,proportionality principles,legislative procedures,and supervision after the event.
作者 王明喆 Wang Mingzhe
出处 《地方立法研究》 2024年第4期15-28,共14页 Local Legislation Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“行政义务实效性确保手段的多元化与规范化研究”(23YJC820036)的阶段性成果。
关键词 地方性法规 行政强制措施 设定权 法律保留 功能适当 local regulations administrative coercive measures setting power legal reservations,function appropriation
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