

Legal Mechanism on the Coordinated Promotion of Carbon Reduc⁃tion,Pollution Reduction,Green Expansion and Economic Growth
摘要 协同推进降碳、减污、扩绿、增长内含减少污染的负外部性、增加生态系统的正外部性和推动经济社会高质量发展三重意涵,存在“经济-环境”关系的二元协调,是我国当前和今后一段时期的重要任务。但是,现有“经济发展-生态环境保护”协调机制、“资源配置-经济发展”促进机制、“减污-降碳”合力机制难以涵盖全部要素。在结合我国国情并借鉴美国“经济增长-能源转型-环境治理”系统模式、欧盟“生态优先-能源结构优化-绿色发展”综合模式的基础上,或可引入“碳减排-污染防治-生态产品服务-绿色低碳发展”四位一体的协同模式。该模式以科学合理、经济性和生态环境完整性、多元主体参与为基本原则,以全国碳市场建设和能源转型为主战场,以绿色资金配置和绿色技术发展为两大侧重,可推动绿色低碳发展,促进人与自然和谐共生。 The coordinated promotion of carbon reduction,pollution reduction,green expansion and eco-nomic growth contains both the triple meaning of reducing the negative externalities of pollution,increasing the positive externalities of the ecosystem and promoting the high-quality development of the economy and society,and the binary coordination of the relationship between the economy and the environment.It is an important task for China at present and in the future.However,the existing coordination mechanism of“eco-nomic development-ecological environmental protection”,the promotion mechanism of“resource allocation-economic development”and the joint mechanism of“pollution reduction-carbon reduction”cannot cover all the elements.Considering China's conditions and on the basis of the system model of“economic growth-energy transformation-environmental governance”in the United States and the comprehensive model of“eco-logical priority-energy structure optimization-green development”in the European Union,a four-body collab-orative model of“carbon emission reduction-pollution prevention-ecological products and services-green and low-carbon development”can be introduced.This model is based on the basic principles of science and ratio-nality,economy and ecological environment integrity,and multi-subject participation.It takes the construc-tion of national carbon emissions trading market and energy transformation as the main battlefield,and focuses on green capital allocation and green technology development,so as to promote green development and harmonious co-existence between man and nature.
作者 冯帅 FENG Shuai
机构地区 四川大学法学院
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期61-75,共15页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 四川大学“从0到1”创新研究项目“美国碳中和目标的实施路线评估及对中国的影响研究”(2023CX18) 四川大学法学院“创新2035”法学课题“面向‘碳中和’的国际法治困境与中国方案”(XD2035law002)。
关键词 降碳、减污、扩绿、增长 协同推进 法律机制 政策逻辑 碳中和 carbon reduction,pollution reduction,green expansion and economic growth coordinated promotion legal mechanism policy logic carbon neutrality
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