
数字经济对城乡融合发展的作用机制与空间效应——基于空间杜宾模型的实证分析 被引量:5

The mechanism and spatial effect of digital economy on the integration of urban and rural areas:An empirical analysis based on Spatial Durbin Model
摘要 以数字经济的发展为切入点,结合中国城乡融合发展的现实背景,运用空间计量经济学的方法,分析中国数字经济和城乡融合的时空演化特征,探究二者的作用机制和空间效应,主要结论如下:①中国的城乡融合发展及数字经济发展均呈现缓慢平稳增长态势,但是整体水平较低,地区发展不均衡,呈现“东-中-西”的梯度下降趋势,空间分异特征也较为明显,随着时间的推移表现出由东到西辐射扩张的显著趋势。②数字经济对城乡融合发展的空间总效应显著为正。即数字经济的快速发展促进了城乡融合发展,进一步加强了城乡间要素的自由流动,同时数字技术也为城乡全面融合提供了条件。③数字经济对城乡融合的影响存在异质性,东西部地区的数字经济发展能够有效促进城乡融合,而中部地区的数字发展水平对城乡融合的影响呈现抑制作用,对城乡融合水平高的地区显著为正,对邻近地区显著为负,在低城乡融合水平地区不显著。④数字化基础设施水平、数字产业化发展水平以及产业数字化应用程度是影响城乡融合发展的重要因素。因此,应加大各地区数字基础设施建设,协调好数字经济的均衡发展,实施数字化驱动战略,推进城乡深度融合发展。 Taking the development of digital economy as the starting point,combined with the realistic background of the integration of urban and rural areas in China,and using the method of spatial econometrics this paper analyzes the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of digital economy and urban-rural integration in China,and explores their action mechanism and spatial effect.The main conclusions are as follows:①The integrated development of urban and rural areas and the development of digital economy in China show a slow and steady growth trend,but the overall level is low,the regional development is unbalanced,and the characteristics of spatial differentiation are more obvious.②The total spatial effect of digital economy on the integration of urban and rural areas is significantly positive.That is,the rapid development of digital economy promotes the integration of urban and rural areas,and further strengthens the free flow of elements between urban and rural areas.At the same time,digital technology also provides conditions for the comprehensive integration of urban and rural areas.③The impact of digital economy on urban-rural integration is heterogeneous,especially in the central and western regions and areas with a high degree of integration.④The level of digital infrastructure,the development level of digital industrialization and the degree of application of industrial digitization are important factors that affect the development of urban-rural integration.Therefore,we should increase the construction of digital infrastructure,coordinate the balanced development of digital economy in various regions,implement the digital-driven strategy,and promote the deep integration of urban and rural areas.
作者 彭十一 俞雅静 赵琪琪 PENG Shiyi;YU Yajing;ZHAO Qiqi(School of Economics and Management,Hunan Institute of Science and Technology,Yueyang 414000,China)
出处 《世界地理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第7期99-115,共17页 World Regional Studies
基金 国家社科基金一般项目(19BJY115)。
关键词 数字经济 城乡融合发展 空间杜宾模型 系统GMM估计 异质性分析 digital economy urban-rural integration development Spatial Durbin Model systematic GMM estimation heterogeneity analysis
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