

Ideological and Political Education in Courses for Master's Degree Students in Oral Medicine:Questionnaire Survey and Analysis
摘要 目的:探索口腔医学专业学位硕士对专业核心课课程思政的认知和未来需求。方法:通过问卷形式对重庆医科大学口腔医学院2019-2021级129名口腔医学专业学位硕士研究生进行调查。结果:93名(72.09%)口腔医学专业学位硕士认为有必要开设课程思政,主要原因是认为课程思政对塑造正确的人生观、世界观有帮助(75.27%);36名(27.91%)专业学位硕士认为没必要开设课程思政,其中有24人(68.57%)认为有专门的思想政治课程,无需再设置口腔医学课程思政,有18人(51.43%)担心融入课程思政的内容会减少学习专业课时间,仅3人(8.57%)认为口腔医学专业课和课程思政完全无关;在口腔医学院目前开设的课程思政中,专业学位硕士认为课程思政开展最好的教研室是口腔预防教研室(20.16%);专业学位硕士对未来课程思政的需求期许包括授课教师和课程形式两方面,提出的建议有希望教师将思政恰到好处地融入而不是生搬硬套(54.26%)、课堂形式多样化(60.46%)以及引入线下授课模式(84.50%)等。结论:虽然口腔医学专硕对课程思政接受度较高,但仍需在提高授课教师素质、更新授课形式等方面进行改革,旨在将思想政治更好地融合在专业课程中,同时为我国口腔医学研究生教育中课程思政的研究提供一定参考,最终达到培养高素质口腔医学人的目的。 Objective:To explore the perceptions and future needs of master's degree students in oral medicine regarding ideological and political education(IPE)in core professional courses.Methods:A survey was conducted using questionnaires among 129 master's degree students in oral medicine from the 2019-2021 cohorts at the School of Stomatology,Chongqing Medical University.Results:Ninety-three(72.09%)oral medicine master's students believed it is necessary to incorporate IPE into courses,mainly because they think IPE helps shape correct values and worldviews(75.27%);thirty-six(27.91%)students felt it is unnecessary,with twenty-four of them(68.57%)believing that dedicated political theory courses are sufficient without needing additional IPE in oral medicine courses.Eighteen(51.43%)worried that including IPE content would reduce time for professional course learning,and only three(8.57%)believed that professional courses in oral medicine and IPE are entirely unrelated.Among the current IPE courses offered in the School of Stomatology,students rated the Department of Preventive Dentistry as having the best implementation of IPE(20.16%).Students'expectations for future IPE included suggestions on both teaching staff and course formats,with 54.26%hoping teachers would integrate IPE appropriately rather than forcefully,60.46%advocating for diverse classroom formats,and 84.50%favoring the introduction of offline teaching modes.Conclusion:Although the acceptance of IPE among oral medicine master's students is relatively high,reforms are needed to improve teacher quality and update teaching methods.This aims to better integrate ideological and political education into professional courses,providing a reference for IPE research in the graduate education of oral medicine in China,ultimately achieving the goal of cultivating high-quality professionals in oral medicine.
作者 戴丽娜 杨凤雪 胡赟 Dai Lina;Yang Fengxue;Hu Yun(School of Stomatology,Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 400017,China)
出处 《中国高等医学教育》 2024年第5期16-18,共3页 China Higher Medical Education
基金 重庆市研究生教育教学改革研究项目:课程思政融入模拟医学教学在口腔专业型研究生培养中的探索和应用(项目编号:yjg203054)。
关键词 口腔医学 专业学位硕士研究生 课程思政 问卷调查 Oral medicine Professional master's degree students Ideological and political education Questionnaire survey
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