
RCEP背景下中国新能源汽车出口面临的机遇与挑战 被引量:2

Opportunities and Challenges for China's NEV Exports under the Background of RCEP
摘要 RCEP的签署和生效为新能源汽车产业的国际合作带来了前所未有的发展机遇。在全球环保意识不断提高的背景下,新能源汽车的技术不断革新与发展,大部分国家在推进由传统燃油汽车向新能源汽车转型。中国作为世界上新能源汽车产业大国,有着深厚的国际产业合作基础和潜力。在此背景下,发展新能源汽车产业仍是各国应对气候变化、实现“双碳”目标的战略举措。为扩大新能源汽车产业的规模,我国积极抓住RCEP协定生效和全球新能源汽车发展的全新机遇。本文采用相关数据对中国新能源汽车产业发展与出口现状进行分析,并对新能源汽车出口发展的问题提出建议,以期为中国整体汽车产品在国际汽车产业市场中的价值链地位提高及为国际贸易提供新的出口增长点做出贡献。 The signing and implementation of RCEP has brought unprecedented development opportunities for international cooperation in the NEV industry.Amidst growing global environmental awareness,NEV technology is continually evolving and advancing.Most countries are promoting a shift from traditional fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles.As a major country in the world's NEV industry,China has a profound foundation and potential for international industrial cooperation.In this context,developing the NEV industry remains a strategic initiative for all countries to combat climate change and achieve their"dual carbon"goals.To expand the scale of the NEV industry,China has actively seized the new opportunities brought by the implementation of RCEP and the development of global NEVs.This paper analyzes the development and export status of China's new energy vehicle(NEV)industry using relevant data.It also offers recommendations to address challenges in the export growth of NEVs,with the aim of enhancing the value chain position of Chinese automotive products in the global automotive market and providing new avenues for export growth in international trade.
作者 路智涵 Lu Zhihan(Shandong Management University,Jinan 250357,Shandong)
机构地区 山东管理学院
出处 《中国商论》 2024年第15期80-83,共4页 China Journal of Commerce
关键词 RCEP 汽车产业 新能源汽车 国际贸易 燃油汽车 对外贸易 RCEP automobile industry NEVs international trade fuel-powered vehicles foreign trade
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