

Ming Dynasty Collection Deceased Admiral Wu Lue deputy Thousand Household Xue Gong’s epitaph and Authorized Title“Tai Yi Ren”Miao’s Epitaph Rubbing File Examination
摘要 山西大同大学档案馆收藏有明代薛茂与苗氏夫妇的两方墓志铭拓片。墓志铭详细记载了薛茂因祖父薛彦中功勋而补官朔州卫百户,先护随明成祖朱棣征讨漠北,后在大同“专领骑队”,全程参战土木之变,之后由于屡立战功,被升为武略将军,授副千户之事。两方墓志铭客观梳理了明太祖朱元璋至明宪宗成化二十年百余年间朔州薛氏族系,还原了薛斌、薛茂、薛端、薛琦、钱能、钱泰、钱宝等人在朔州的史实,对研究明代功勋承袭、官员补荫、官场结交、婚嫁择偶、丧葬立石等社会文化有重要价值。两方墓志铭的撰文、书丹、篆额,皆为当时有名望之士。 The rubbings of the epitaphs of Xue Mao and the Miao couple from the Ming Dynasty in the archives of Shanxi Da-tong University recorded in detail that Xue Mao was promoted to the position of Shuozhou Wei Baihu due to his grandfather Xue Yanzhong’s meritorious service.He first protected and followed Ming Chengzu Zhu Di to conquer the northern desert,and later served as the“special leader of the cavalry team”in Datong,participating in the civil engineering revolution throughout the war.Lat-er,due to his repeated military achievements,he was promoted to the rank of General of Military Strategy and appointed as the Dep-uty Thousand Households.The two epitaphs objectively sorted out the characteristics of the Xue clan in Shuozhou from Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty to Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty’s Chenghua period,and restored the historical facts of Xue Bin,Xue Mao,Xue Duan,Xue Qi,Qian Neng,Qian Tai,Qian Bao and others in Shuozhou.They have important value for studying the social and cultural aspects of the Ming Dynasty,such as the inheritance of meritorious deeds,official support,official associations,marriage and mate selection,and funeral stones.His writing,calligraphy,and seal script were all renowned scholars at that time.
作者 李建春 LI Jian-chun(Archives of Shanxi Datong University,Datong Shanxi,037009)
出处 《山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期36-42,共7页 Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Social Science Edition)
基金 山西省文物局2023年度重点科研课题“云冈学通论编撰研究”(晋文物函[2022]470号)。
关键词 朔州 墓志 薛茂 苗氏 Shuozhou Ming Dynasty epitaph Xue Mao Miao
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