

Analysis of pathogen surveillance and characteristics of foodborne disease outbreaks in a district of Chengdu:2016-2023
摘要 目的了解成都市某区食源性疾病流行现状,掌握其发病特点和规律,为预防控制食源性疾病和保障食品安全提供依据。方法综合分析2016年1月—2023年8月成都市某区2家哨点医院食源性疾病病原学监测情况与食源性疾病暴发事件应急处置相关资料,了解成都市某区食源性疾病流行情况与趋势。结果2016年1月—2023年8月,共采集样本4208份,其中男性样本1894份,女性样本2314份。检出阳性样本109份,其中沙门氏菌阳性样本103份,志贺氏菌阳性样本2份,副溶血性弧菌阳性样本4份。不同月份样本沙门氏菌阳性检出率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=52.01,P<0.001),5—8月样本沙门氏菌阳性检出较多且集中,12月及1—3月样本检出较少。不同月份样本副溶血性弧菌、志贺氏菌、致泻大肠埃希菌阳性检出率的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不同年龄段人群样本沙门氏菌阳性检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=22.42,P=0.003),70岁及以上年龄段人群样本阳性检出率最高,为6.59%,20~29岁年龄段人群样本阳性检出率最低,为1.04%。不同年龄段人群样本副溶血性弧菌、志贺氏菌、致泻大肠埃希菌阳性检出率的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。该区共接报、处置疑似食源性疾病暴发事件97起,确认22起,其中13起因食用了被沙门氏菌污染的皮蛋导致。结论沙门氏菌是成都市某区食源性疾病主要病原体,皮蛋是重要风险食品。提醒相关部门应做好夏季风险食品监管,开展风险评估,并加大食品安全宣传力度,保障居民身体健康。 Objective To understand the epidemic status,characteristics,and patterns of foodborne diseases in a district of Chengdu,providing a basis for prevention and control measures and food safety assurance.Methods Comprehensive analysis of pathogen surveillance data from two sentinel hospitals and emergency response data for foodborne disease outbreaks in the district from January 2016 to August 2023 were carried out.Results A total of 4208 samples were collected,including 1894 male and 2314 female samples.Of these,109 samples tested positive,with 103 positive for Salmonella,2 for Shigella,and 4 for Vibrio parahaemolyticus.The monthly positive detection rate for Salmonella varied significantly(χ2=52.01,P<0.001),with more cases from May to August,fewer from December and January to March.There were no significant differences in the monthly positive rates for Vibrio parahaemolyticus,Shigella,and enteropathogenic E.coli(P>0.05).The positive rate for Salmonella also varied significantly across age groups(χ2=22.42,P=0.003),being highest in those aged 70 and above(6.59%)and lowest in those aged 20-29(1.04%).No significant differences were found in the positive rates for Vibrio parahaemolyticus,Shigella,and enteropathogenic E.coli across age groups(P>0.05).A total of 97 suspected foodborne disease outbreaks were reported and handled,with 22 confirmed cases,including 13 caused by consumption of Salmonella-contaminated preserved eggs.Conclusion Salmonella is the main pathogen causing foodborne diseases in a district of Chengdu,with preserved eggs identified as a high-risk food.Relevant departments are advised to strengthen food safety supervision during the summer,conduct risk assessments,and strengthen food safety awareness to protect public health.
作者 向泽鑫 文敏 李坻 温雅 陈俐 文艳群 Xiang Zexin;Wen Min;Li Chi;Wen Ya;Chen Li;Wen Yanqun(Health Surveillance Department,Chengdu Chenghua Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chengdu 610051,China;Medical Records and Statistics Department,The Third People's Hospital of Chengdu,Chengdu 610000,China)
出处 《保健医学研究与实践》 2024年第6期31-35,共5页 Health Medicine Research and Practice
基金 四川省卫生健康信息中心科研计划项目(2021ZXKY06013)。
关键词 食源性疾病监测 沙门氏菌 皮蛋 Foodborne disease surveillance Salmonella Preserved eggs
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