

Background Investigation,Contemporary Value and Quality Improvement Path of The New Quality Public Security Combat Effectiveness
摘要 新质公安战斗力是新时代公安机关对习近平总书记关于发展新质生产力的一系列重要论述与重大部署的主动回应与深刻阐释。新质公安战斗力是以总体国家安全观为统领,统筹高质量发展和高水平安全,以新安全格局保障新发展格局,在推进公安现代化建设背景下提出的重要概念。新质公安战斗力是符合新安全理念的先进公安战斗力质态,它以持续深化改革为根本动力,摆脱了传统公安战斗力形成与发展路径,具有高服务、高质效、高保障的特征。新质公安战斗力的提出,是中国特色社会主义公安工作理论的发展与进步,是对公安工作现代化建设和新安全格局构建路径的丰富与完善。加快形成和完善新质公安战斗力,应立足于公安工作现代化建设,以深化政治建警、捍卫政治安全、维护公安安全、推进改革创新、建设法治公安和锻造过硬队伍为提质路径,为推进中国式现代化贡献公安力量。 The new quality public security combat effectiveness is the active response and profound interpretation of the public security organs in the new era to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important expositions and major deployments on the development of new quality productivity.The new quality public security combat effectiveness is an important concept proposed in the context of promoting the modernization of public security,taking the holistic approach to national security as the guide,coordinating high-quality development and high-level security,and safeguarding the new development paradigm with a new security paradigm.The new quality public security combat effectiveness is an advanced quality of public security combat effectiveness that conforms to the new security concept.It takes continuous deepening of reform as the fundamental driving force,breaks away from the traditional path of formation and development of public security combat effectiveness,and has the characteristics of high service,high quality and efficiency,and high guarantee.The proposal of the new quality public security combat effectiveness signifies the development and progress of the theory of public security work with Chinese characteristics,and enriches and improves the path to the modernization of public security work and the construction of a new security paradigm.To accelerate the formation and improvement of the new quality public security combat effectiveness,we should base ourselves on the modernization of public security work,take deepening political construction of the police,defending political security,maintaining public security,promoting reform and innovation,building a rule-by-law public security,and forging a competent team as the path to quality improvement,contributing the efforts of public security to propel Chinese modernization.
作者 刘展鹏 LIU Zhanpeng(Beijing Police College,Beijing 102202,China)
机构地区 北京警察学院
出处 《山西警察学院学报》 2024年第4期65-70,共6页 Journal of Shanxi Police College
基金 2023年度北京警察学院院级重点课题“国家安全治理能力现代化研究”(2023KZD02)。
关键词 新质公安战斗力 新质生产力 公安工作现代化 new quality public security combat effectiveness new quality productivity the modernization of public security work
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