

Organizational Resilience and the Reconstruction of the Legitimacy of International Organizations
摘要 在大国战略竞争的背景下,霸权国愈发肆意地将国际制度武器化,国际组织也在不同程度上面临合法性危机。合法性危机可能消耗组织资源并削弱治理能力,降低国家行为体采取集体行动的意愿,因此有必要探究影响国际组织合法性重构的关键变量。国际组织如何才能应对国际体系的不确定与风险?文章提出,经历合法性危机的国际组织可能会走向衰落与消亡,而组织韧性决定了国际组织对权力作用结果的消解程度和再合法化尝试的成败,影响着国际组织的最终走向。组织韧性是国际组织在面对内源性或外源性冲击时所采取的模式调整及其动态过程,可以从规范性信念和实用性策略两个维度进行考量,前者是指国际组织自我意识的觉醒及自我治理的决心,后者则是组织经历危机的事后响应与学习机制。国际组织只有同时满足信念性和策略性条件,才能激活组织韧性,更能适应和塑造内外部的危机与挑战。对世卫组织和世贸组织争端解决机制经历的合法性危机的比较分析支持了上述论点。这一研究也致力于对更广泛意义上的全球治理机制的合法性与有效性做出回应,以期为中国参与国际组织和国际制度的建设与改革提供参考。 In the context of great power strategic competition,hegemonic power increasingly organizations are also facing legitimacy crises to varying degrees.Such crises may drain organizational resources,undermine governance capacity,and reduce the willingness of state actors to take collective actions.Therefore,it is necessary to explore the key variables affecting the restructuring of the legitimacy of international organizations.How can international organizations respond to uncertainties and risks within the international system?This paper argues that international organizations experiencing legitimacy crises may face decline or even dissolution.Organizational resilience determines the extent to which an international organization can mitigate the impact of power dynamics and succeed in efforts to regain legitimacy,ultimately influencing its trajectory.Organizational resilience refers to the patterns of adjustment and dynamic processes adopted by international organizations in response to internal or external shocks,assessed through normative beliefs and pragmatic strategies.The former entails the awakening of organizational self-awareness and determination for self-governance,while the latter involves post-crisis responses and learning mechanisms.Only when international organizations meet both normative and strategic conditions can organizational resilience be activated,enabling them to better adapt to and shape internal and external crises and challenges.A comparative analysis of legitimacy crises experienced by the World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization dispute resolution mechanisms supports the above arguments.This study also aims to respond to broader issues of legitimacy and effectiveness in global governance institutions,with the goal of providing insights for China's participation in the construction and reform of international organizations.
作者 山秀蕾 刘昌明 SHAN Xiulei;LIU Changming
出处 《外交评论(外交学院学报)》 北大核心 2024年第4期84-114,I0004,I0005,共33页 Foreign Affairs Review
关键词 国际组织 合法性 组织韧性 世界卫生组织 世界贸易组织 全球治理 international organizations legitimacy organizational resilience World Health Organization World Trade Organization global governance
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