

The"Involution"Dilemma of Group-Run Schools of Basic Education and Its Relief
摘要 集团化办学是我国基础教育领域的创新之举,其在扩大优质教育资源配置、带动薄弱学校协同发展、推进教育均衡发展等方面发挥了重要作用,但也出现了办学规模扩大、教育质量下滑或无效发展等问题。研究借助“内卷化”理论话语,透析当前基础教育集团化办学存在“科层制”权力运行模式衍生权力结构内卷化,错综的关系网络环境导致人际关系复杂化,“依赖性”的发展思维与路径致使发展动力外在化,过度的市场迎合取向造成优质资源供需失衡化等“内卷化”困境。纾解基础教育集团化办学“内卷化”困境可夯实学校共同体建设,建构多元主体权力结构;加强监管与法治建设,破除关系网络顽疾;激发薄弱学校内在发展动力,助力优质资源再创生;调适集团化办学规模,回归学校教育初心。 Group-run schools is an innovative move in the field of basic education in China.It has played an important role in expanding the allocation of high-quality educational resources,driving the coordinated development of weak schools,and promoting the balanced development of education.However,there has also been an increase in the scale of schooling and the decline in the quality of education or development and other issues.With the help of the theory discourse of"involution",the thesis analyzes the current existence of the"bureaucracy"power operation mode of the basic education group-run schools,and the involution of the power structure.The intricate relationship network environment leads to the complexity of interpersonal relationships and the development of"dependence"thinking and paths have led to the externalization of the development momentum,and excessive market catering to the orientation has caused the"involution"dilemma such as the imbalance of the supply and demand of high-quality resources.Breaking the predicament of the"involution"of group education in basic education can consolidate the construction of the school community and build a multi-subject power structure;strengthen supervision and the construction of the rule of law,eliminate the persistent problems of the network;stimulate the internal development momentum of weak schools and help regenerate high-quality resources;adjust the scale of group-run schools and return to the original intention of school education.
作者 吴支奎 黄丽丽 Wu Zhikui;Huang Lili(Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000;Xuancheng Vocational&Technical College,Xuancheng 242099)
出处 《当代教育论坛》 北大核心 2024年第3期43-49,共7页 forum on contemporary education
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目“基于项目化学习的五育融合机制构建与实践探索”(编号:AHSKY2021D38)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 基础教育 集团化办学 “内卷化” 均衡发展 basic education group-run schools “involution” balanced development








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