

The Proposal of the Management Paradigm of“The Uniformity of All Things”
摘要 管理学范式与科学学术范式同出一炉。管理学范式遵循牛顿机械还原论,还原论的本质建立在“万物分立”上。在此范式下,管理学将人、事、物当成彼此分立事件来看待,并将管理学的计划、组织、领导和控制等职能以万物分立来建构。而中华优秀传统文化具有整体性,且具有“含三归一”和以“一”摄多的特性,本文据此特性凝练出“万物一体”含融且统摄“万物分立”的观点。本研究重要成果是将整体性与还原论关系的考量转变为“万物一体”与“万物分立”关系的考量,进而凸显西方管理学范式停留在万物分立“物-物”层面的局限性,未能实现“万物一体”层次的统摄,其是导致对管理难题的束手无策和解释世界全貌乏力的原因之所在。鉴于此,本文提出“万物一体”的管理学范式。研究的重要意义并不只是向牛顿机械还原论挑战,虽然其有许多局限性,但当还原论被相容地放入现实世界的更大的图景中去时,还原论范式依然有效,此更大的“图景”即“万物一体”。 The paradigm of management,same as the paradigm of scientific academia,also follows Newton's mechanical reductionism,which is essentially based on“the separation of all things.”Under such paradigm,management studies treat people,events and objects separately,and construct the functions of planning,organization,leadership and control in management separately.However,the excellent traditional Chinese culture is holistically-natured,with the characteristics of“three in one”and“many in one.”Based on such characteristics,this article condenses the concept of“the uniformity of all things,”which integrates and governs“the separation of all things.”This study innovatively and successfully transformed the consideration of the relationship between holism and reductionism into the consideration of the relationship between“the uniformity of all things”and“the separation of all things.”Furthermore,it highlighted the limitations of Western management paradigms that remain at“the separation of all things,”failing to achieve the integration of all things,which directly leads to the helplessness in managing problems and the weakness in interpreting the world as a whole.In view of this,this study puts forward the management paradigm of“the uniformity of all things.”This research is not just tended to challenge Newton's mechanical reductionism,despite its limitations,which remains valid if compatibly placed into a larger picture of the real world:“the uniformity of all things.”
作者 黄金枝 Huang Jinzhi
出处 《中国文化与管理》 2024年第1期58-72,270,共16页 Chinese Culture and Management
基金 2022年度黑龙江省哲学社会科学一般项目“中国哲学标识性概念的提炼及其创造性转化研究”(项目编号:22ZXB254)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中华优秀传统文化 “万物一体” 管理学范式 还原论 万物分立 China's Excellent Traditional Culture “The Uniformity of All Things” Management Paradigm Reductionism The Separation of All Things
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