

Effects of acute stress on cognitive inhibition and response inhibition in college students
摘要 目的:考察现实生活中的急性应激对大学生认知抑制和反应抑制的影响。方法:招募40名参加全国研究生入学考试面试的考生,分别在面试结束后立即(应激条件)和面试结束后7个月(对照条件)完成Flanker任务和Go/Nogo双任务。采用主观应激报告量表和状态焦虑量表评估应激水平。结果:应激条件下的主观应激报告得分和状态焦虑得分(P<0.001或P<0.01)均高于对照条件。在Flanker任务中,应激条件下不一致试次的反应时快于对照条件;应激条件下的Flanker效应低于对照条件(均P<0.05)。对于Go/Nogo双任务中的探测刺激,应激条件下的Nogo探测刺激反应时及探测刺激Go/Nogo效应均大于对照条件(均P<0.05)。结论:现实生活中的急性应激可能会增强大学生对干扰物的认知抑制,但削弱其对不正确反应的抑制。 Objective:To explore the effects of real-life acute stress on cognitive inhibition and response inhi-bition in college students.Methods:Totally 4O interviewees in the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination were recruited and they were asked to complete the Flanker task and Go/Nogo dual-task immediately after the interview(stress condition)and 7 months after the interview(control condition)respectively.The current stress level was as-sessed with the Self-reported Stress Scale and State Anxiety Inventory.Results:The self-reported stress scores(P<0.001),and state anxiety scores(P<0.01)were higher under stress condition than under control condition.In the Flanker task,the reaction time of the incongruent trials was faster under stress condition than under control condi-tion,and the Flanker effect was lower under stress condition than under control condition(Ps<0.05).For the probe stimuli in the Go/Nogo dual task,the reaction time of Nogo-probes and probe Go/Nogo effect was higherunder stress condition than under control condition(Ps<0.05).Conclusion:Acute stress in real life might enhance the cognitive inhibition of distractor but impair the inhibition of incorrect response in college students.
作者 齐铭铭 盖茹 高贺明 QI Mingming;GAI Ru;GAO Heming(School of Psychology,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,Liaoning Province,China)
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期814-819,共6页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目(L22CSH007)。
关键词 现实生活应激 认知抑制 反应抑制 real-life stress cognitive inhibition response inhibition
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