

Development and Reliability and Validity Evaluation of the Elementary School Teachers’Psychological Education Competency Scale
摘要 基于有关文献梳理和访谈资料,确定小学教师心理教育胜任力量表的理论结构和初始条目。通过项目分析、因素分析和信效度检验,形成最终量表。问卷分为“基准性心理教育胜任力问卷”和“鉴别性心理教育胜任力问卷”两个分量表,共19个题项。基准性问卷整体的内部一致性系数为0.927,鉴别性问卷整体的内部一致性系数为0.882,验证性因素分析表明量表结构模型拟合良好,量表数据的区分效度理想。两个分量表与效标量表的相关系数分别为0.537和0.438,效标效度良好。由此得出结论:小学教师心理教育胜任力量表符合预期理论建构,信效度指标良好,达到心理测量学要求。 Based on relevant literature combing and interview data,the theoretical structure and initial entries of the psychological education competency scale for elementary school teachers was determined.The final scale was formed through item analysis,factor analysis and reliability and validity evaluation.The questionnaire was divided into two subscales,namely,“baseline psychological education competency questionnaire”and“discriminative psychological education competence questionnaire”,with a total of 19 items.The baseline questionnaire had an internal consistency coefficient of 0.927,while the discriminative questionnaire had an internal consistency coefficient of 0.882,and the validation factor analysis showed that the structural model of the scales was well fitted,and the discriminant validity of the scale data was satisfactory.The correlation coefficients between the two subscales and the validity scale,respectively,were 0.537 and 0.438,with good validity of the validity scale.It is concluded that the psychological education competency scale for elementary school teachers meets the expected theoretical construct,has good reliability and validity indicators,and meets the psychometric requirements.
作者 李雪皎 关香丽 殷素梅 Li Xuejiao;Guan Xiangli;Yin Sumei(School of Teacher Education,Yuxi Normal University,Yuxi 653100)
出处 《西部学刊》 2024年第15期130-133,共4页 Journal of Western
基金 云南省2023年本科教育教学改革研究项目“中小学实践基地博士工作坊:一种新型教学组织的探索与实践”(编号:JG2023266) 玉溪师范学院2022年校级教学研究与改革实践项目“共享·共创·共生:《小学生心理健康教育》临床指导教学模式创新与实践”(编号:202205)的有关成果。
关键词 小学教师 心理教育胜任力 信度 效度 elementary school teachers psychological education competency reliability validity
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