

Security analysis of security inspection mode of air cargo classification and grade
摘要 为保障航空安检环节安全高效,部分机场探索实施航空货物分类分级安检模式。研究以安全性为目标,综合考虑安检错误报警概率及货物安检处理时间,分析传统安检模式和分类分级安检模式在安全性方面的差异。使用错误放行概率作为衡量安检模式安全性的指标,利用目视搜索-决策模型分析安检员判图过程,为两种安检模式建立非线性规划模型。研究显示:与传统安检模式相比,分类分级安检模式中高风险货物的比例m在(0,0.45)内才能提高系统安全性,且m最优取值为0.12;与传统安检模式相比,分类分级安检模式在货量较大、对安检处理时间较为敏感或是对安检错误报警概率容忍度较高时更能显著提高系统安全性。 After the goods pass the security inspection,four types of security inspection results are generated:true alarm,true clear,false alarm,and false clear.This article takes the probability of false clear as an indicator to measure the security of traditional security inspection mode and classified and graded security inspection mode.Using a visual search plus decision model,the process of security inspection personnel judging images is analyzed,and the probability of false alarms and false clear in the security inspection system is obtained.Based on the queuing theory formula,the time required for goods to complete security inspection is calculated.A non-linear programming model is established for traditional security inspection mode and classified and graded security inspection mode,with the actual time of the security inspector judging images as the decision variable,minimizing the probability of security inspection false clear as the goal,and using security inspection false alarm and average security inspection time of goods as constraints.An example analysis is conducted on the optimization model,and the results show that when m is 0.1,using the classified and graded security inspection mode can significantly improve the security of the security inspection system while ensuring the speed of goods passing through.Finally,sensitivity analysis is conducted,and the results show that compared with the traditional security inspection mode,the classified and graded security inspection mode reduces the probability of false clear and greatly improves system security when the proportion of high-risk goods m is in the(0,0.45)range,and the optimal value of m is 0.12.Compared with the traditional security inspection mode,the classified and graded security inspection mode can significantly improve system security in three situations,namely,when the airport has a large cargo volume,the goods urgently need security inspection,or the airport can accept a higher probability of false alarm.
作者 赵振武 邢肖肖 ZHAO Zhenwu;XING Xiaoxiao(School of Safety and Engineering,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China)
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期3172-3179,共8页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 交通运输部标准规范研究制(修)订经费项目(2023-01-001) 民航安全能力建设项目(14002500000019J013)。
关键词 公共安全 目视搜索决策 等待时间 错误放行概率 货物风险等级 public safety visual search plus decision waiting time false clear rate cargo risk classes
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