

Payment to Grassland Ecosystem Service Under Common Agriculture Policy in EU:Changes and Effects
摘要 我国草原生态补偿制度建设可以追溯到2003年,“退牧还草”工程和草原生态保护补助奖励机制在遏止草原退化、保护草原生态环境方面发挥了重要作用。然而,草原生态补偿近年来面临补偿标准过低、补偿方式单一、过于强调恢复等挑战。鉴于欧盟自1990年以来在共同农业政策框架下不断健全草原生态补偿政策,文中分析总结欧盟草原生态补偿政策、支付方法以及项目监管评估的变化,发现欧盟的草原生态补偿机制更强调草原生态系统服务功能的保护和补偿,生物多样性保护和应对气候变化是其草原生态补偿政策的优先目标,基于结果的支付方式将是未来的发展方向,独立第三方监管评估将成为政府主导的监管评估体系的有力补充。在对政策影响进行总结的基础上,从政策导向、实施方式和监管评估3个方面总结欧盟草原生态补偿机制的启示,以期进一步促进我国草原生态补偿政策的完善。 Grassland ecological compensation policy(GECP)in China could be traced back to 2003,and the“Returning Farmland to Grassland”program and the subsidy and incentive mechanism for grassland ecological protection have played an important role in reversing the trend of grassland degradation and protecting the grassland eco-environment.However,China's GECP is now challenged by low compensation standard,unitary compensation method and over-emphasis on grassland recovery.Since 1990,the EU has been exploring to establish the payment to ecosystem services(PES)for grassland under the Common Agricultural Policy(CAP).This paper summarizes the progress and transformation in the EU grassland PES policies and programs under the CAP framework and analyzes the ways of payment and the supervision&evaluation mechanisms adopted by the EU for grassland PES projects.It is found that the EU puts more emphasis on the conservation of grassland ecosystem services in its grassland PES programs,while biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation/adaptation are the priority objectives;the result-based payment is expected to be the mainstream way to pay for grassland ecosystem protection;and independent third-party assessment for grassland PES projects is increasingly implemented as a strong complement to the government-led checks and evaluations.Based on the summarization of the effects of the EU's grassland PES policy,its experience and inspiration is concluded from the three aspects of policy orientation,implementation modes and project monitoring&evaluation,with a view to providing references for further modification of China'policies on grassland ecological compensation.
作者 陈洁 何璆 廖望 Chen Jie;He Qiu;Liao Wang(Research Institute of Forestry Policy and Information,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China)
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期100-106,共7页 World Forestry Research
基金 国家林草局专项项目“国际草原政策跟踪和‘一带一路’防治荒漠化合作机制国别重点和策略研判专题研究”。
关键词 生态补偿 永久草场 绿色支付 补偿方式 监管评估 欧盟 payment to ecological service permanent grassland green payment approach to compensation monitoring&evaluation the European Union
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