

Proved Cases of Lianchuang Ointment in the Treatment of Heat-toxic Obstructing Bedsore
摘要 文章列举自拟敛疮膏治疗热毒壅滞型褥疮验案两则,阐述热毒炽盛、气血壅滞是褥疮形成的重要病理变化。自拟敛疮膏方能清热凉血、解毒化瘀、敛疮生肌,是治疗热毒壅滞型褥疮的良方,其治疗热毒壅滞型褥疮的脉证特点为口干、发热、局部红肿热痛、皮肤破溃、舌红苔少或苔黄、脉数或滑。文章详述自拟敛疮膏治疗热毒壅滞型褥疮的内在机制并附验案两则,供同仁参考。同时,着重讨论了大黄在该方中的应用,提出大黄外用能清热解毒、活血通经、调和气血,药力平和而非寒凉过度,可以解毒、活血而不留瘀,即使是治疗高龄、体虚老人,只要用之合宜,亦能取得良效。 This paper listed the self-made Lianchuang ointment in the treatment of heat-toxic obstructing bedsore,expounded that fire-toxicity and qi and blood obstruction are important pathological changes in the formation of bedsore.Self-made Lianchuang ointment can clear heat and cool blood,detoxification and blood stasis,collect sores and muscle,is a good way for the treatment of heattoxic obstructing bedsore.The pulse syndrome of treating heat-toxic obstruction type of bedsore is characterized by dry mouth,fever,local redness,heat and painful skin rupture,less red tongue moss or yellow moss,the number of veins or slippery.In this paper,the internal mechanism of treating heat-toxic obstructed bedsore with self-made Lianchuang ointment was described and two cases were attached for reference.At the same time,the application of rhubarb in this prescription was emphatically discussed,and it is proposed that rhubarb external use can clear heat and detoxify,promote blood circulation,and reconcile qi and blood,the drug force is peaceful rather than excessive cold,and it can detoxify and promote blood circulation without leaving blood stasis,even if it is used appropriately for the treatment of the elderly and the elderly with physical deficiency,and can also obtain good effect.
作者 谢文娟 张铭金 肖泽旭 XIE Wenjuan;ZHANG Mingjin;XIAO Zexu(Department of Geriatrics,The Third Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical University,Jiangxi Province,Ganzhou 341000,China;Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,The Third Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical University,Jiangxi Province,Ganzhou 341000,China)
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2024年第18期85-87,共3页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
基金 江西省赣州市科技局指导性项目【No.GZ2021ZSF127】。
关键词 席疮 褥疮 自拟敛疮膏方 验案 pressure sore bedsore self-made Lianchuang ointment proved case
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