

LYU Xiaodong′s Treatment of The Elderly Patients with External Cold Cough in Early Stage by Combining“Exterior Yin Syndrome”
摘要 老年外感寒咳患者素体虚寒易感寒邪,邪初在表,但病易传变,若施治误治易迅速入里生并病,现代医学在治疗老年咳嗽患者不能从根本上降低患者咳嗽敏感性。而中医学中《伤寒论》辨病分六经,结合八纲辨证近代医家提出少阴病即表阴证,聚焦于本虚与外感风寒反应于表,从根本论治。吕晓东教授善于辨证施治,以此辨证治疗老年外感寒咳初期,符合老年患者本虚体质特征并感寒邪病机,其特点在于注重本虚之温补,而非表邪之攻解。结合临床验案1例,望为老年外感寒咳患者的精准化治疗、研究以及预防预后等提供一定的临床思路。 Elderly patients with external cold cough are prone to cold pathogenic factors due to deficiency of the body.The initial pathogenic factors are on the exterior,but the disease is prone to transmission and transformation.If treated incorrectly,it can quickly enter the interior and cause complications.Modern medicine cannot fundamentally reduce the cough sensitivity of the elderly cough patients.Treatise on Febrile Diseases makes the disease differentiation according to six meridians.Combining with the eight principles of syndrome differentiation,modern doctors have proposed that Shaoyin disease is the exterior Yin syndrome,focusing on the root deficiency and the external wind and cold reflecting on the exterior,and treating it fundamentally.Professor LYU Xiaodong is skilled in treating external cold cough in the early stages of the elderly patients based on syndrome differentiation,which is in line with the characteristics of the elderly patients′deficiency constitution and the pathogenesis of cold pathogenic factors.Its characteristic is to focus on warming and tonifying,rather than attacking and resolving external pathogenic factors.Based on one clinical case,it hopes to provide some clinical ideas for the precise treatment,research and prevention prognosis of the elderly patients with external cold cough.
作者 张馨月 吕晓东 庞立健 ZHANG Xinyue;LYU Xiaodong;PANG Lijian(Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang 110847,Liaoning,China)
机构地区 辽宁中医药大学
出处 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第8期27-31,共5页 Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(82274440) 国家中医药管理局高水平中医药重点学科建设项目(国中医药人教函〔2023〕85号) 辽宁省科技厅创新能力提升联合基金(2022-NLTS-13-3) 吕晓东辽宁省名中医传承工作室建设项目(辽中医药函〔2021〕1号)。
关键词 吕晓东教授 老年外感寒咳 表阴证 六经辨证 八纲辨证 Professor LYU Xiaodong elderly patients with external cold cough exterior Yin syndrome syndrome differentiation based on six meridians principles syndrome differentiation based on eight principles
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