

A Global Community of Shared Future,Chinese Path to Modernization,and New Form of Human Advancement:Connotation,Relations and Diplomatic Practice
摘要 中华文明的复兴包括物质与精神两个方面的复兴。对内是中国式现代化的实现与文明新形态的完整构建,对外是二者在世界范围内发挥有别于西方式现代化与西方式文明形态的示范作用,通过新时代中国特色大国外交与周边外交等实践,推动构建人类命运共同体。中国式现代化与西方式现代化在本国之外的差别是:其实现是通过和平方式而非战争与殖民方式,协商共建共享方式而非侵占掠夺的损人利己方式。人类文明新形态与西方文明形态的区别在于:不认为自身文明才是高等级文明并且是其他文明的未来形态,注重文明间的交流互鉴与多元共存,无意让自身的价值观成为普世价值观因而不推行价值观外交。在文明竞争时代,这种文明形态具有强大的包容性与开放性,更易被普遍接受,人类命运共同体目标指引下的新时代中国外交,通过继承和发扬中华传统文化、科学社会主义以及一切人类优秀文明成果为人类文明贡献新形态,为现代化道路提供新路径,从四个层次和五个领域持续推动国际秩序良性发展。 The rejuvenation of Chinese civilization includes both material and spiritual revivals.Domestically,it involves the realization of Chinese path to modernization and the complete construction of a new form of human advancement.Internationally,it focuses on diplomatic efforts to build a global community with shared future,allowing Chinese path to modernization and new form of human advancement to fully demonstrate their distinctiveness compared to the Western form of modernization on a global scale.The difference between Chinese and western paths to modernization is that the former focuses on peaceful means,negotiation,and shared benefits,while the Western approach has historically involved war,colonization,and exploitation of benefiting oneself at the expense of others.The new form of human advancement differs from Western civilization in that it doesn't see itself as superior or a future model for others.It focuses on exchange,mutual learning,and coexistence,without trying to universalize its values or promote value-based diplomacy.In an era of civilization-based competition,this has become a more widely accepted form of civilization due to its strong inclusiveness and openness,known as the new form of human advancement.Guided by the goal of building a global community with a shared future,China’s new-era diplomacy promotes human advancement by integrating traditional Chinese culture,scientific socialism,and global achievements.It offers a new modernization path and fosters positive international development.This involves four levels:bilateral,regional,global,and functional.It also involves five domains:political,security,economic,cultural,and ecological.
作者 薛力 苗蓓蕾 XUE Li;MIAO Bei-lei
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2024年第2期1-21,152,共22页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
基金 中国社会科学院重大创新项目“人类命运共同体的历史文化根基研究”(项目批准号:2023YZD049)的阶段性成果。
关键词 人类命运共同体 人类文明新形态 中国式现代化 中国外交 Global Community of Shared Future New Form of Human Advancement Chinese Path to Modernization China’s Diplomacy
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