

Crisis and Turning Point:Further Study on the Battle of Shanchengbao
摘要 1936年10月,国民党军“迅猛”追击制约着红军宁夏战役计划的实施。为消解军事压力、实现红军休整及改变国共谈判中的被动局面,在“击破南敌”的战略目标指引下,中共中央决定在红军占据优势的山城堡地区打击胡宗南部。红军山城堡之战虽未歼灭国民党第二三二旅全部及第二三四旅的2个团,但击退国民党第七十八师且暂时迟滞了胡宗南部“迅猛”的追击态势。第七十八师失败出乎蒋介石意料,打乱其“聚歼”红军之企图,促使其重新审视西北“剿匪”局势,部署“剿共”的同时计划动用烧夷弹来打击红军。面对胡宗南部主力西撤,基于战场形势、红军休整及东北军统战工作的综合研判,中共作出乘胜追击、休整备战等因应,伴随国民党军进攻倾向的明晰,中共亦做好应战,双方战事一触即发。蒋介石亲赴西安督战,为张学良发动西安事变提供了前提。而西安事变的爆发,在解除红军面临国民党军“剿共”压力的同时,助力于中共北上抗日战略目标的实现,使得山城堡战役的“开局”意义充分彰显。 In October 1936,the Kuomintang's army rapid pursuit constrained the implementation of the plan about the Red Army's Ningxia campaign.In order to alleviate military pressure,achieve the rest and reorganization of the Red Army,and change the passive situation in negotiations between the Kuomintang and the CPC,guided by the strategic goal of"defeating the Hu Zongnan",the Central Committee of the CPC decided to attack Hu Zongnan's troops in the Shanchengbao where the Red Army had an advantage.Although the battle of Shanchengbao did not annihilate all of the 232nd Brigade and two regiments of the 234th Brigade,it repelled the 78th Division and temporarily delayed the rapid pursuit of Hu Zongnan's troops.The failure of the 78th Division caught Chiang Kai-shek off guard,disrupting his attempt to"gather and annihilate"the Red Army.This prompted Chiang Kai-shek to re-examine the situation of"suppressing bandits"in the northwest,deploy"suppressing the CPC",and plan to use incendiary bombs to attack the Red Army.In the face of Hu Zongnan's main force retreating westward,based on the comprehensive analysis of the battlefield situation,the Red Army's rest and reorganization,and the Northeast Army's united front work,the CPC made countermeasures such as following up a victory with hot pursuit,and rest and reorganization prepare for battle.With the clarification of the Kuomintang's offensive tendency,the CPC also prepared to fight,and the war between the two sides was about to break out.Chiang Kai-shek personally went to Xi'an to supervise the war,providing a prerequisite for Zhang Xueliang to launch the Xi'an Incident.The outbreak of the Xi'an Incident not only relieved the pressure on the Red Army to suppress the Communist Party,but also helped to achieve the strategic goal of the CPC's northward resistance against Japan,fully demonstrating the significance of the"beginning"of the Battle of Shanchengbao.
作者 梁琚牵 Liang Juqian
出处 《苏区研究》 2024年第4期80-97,共18页
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“延安时期中国共产党工作队及其历史经验研究”(23XDJ009)。
关键词 山城堡战役 蒋介石 毛泽东 军事部署 the Battle of Shanchengbao Chiang Kai-shek Mao Zedong military deployment
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