

Course,Experience and Prospect of Textbook Construction and Management of Ethnic Minorities in China
摘要 中华人民共和国成立75年来,在各个不同的历史时期,党和国家为促进少数民族教育事业发展,依据民族地区经济社会和教育发展的要求,适时颁布了少数民族教材建设与管理的相关政策。少数民族教材建设取得了重大成就,为民族地区教育发展提供了重要保障。少数民族教材建设是国家教材建设和管理的重要组成部分,历经了探索初创、曲折发展、恢复调整、健全完善四个阶段。总结和研究75年来我国少数民族教材建设与管理的政策演进、实践经验与教训,是全面落实党的二十大关于加强教材建设与管理的要求、构建新时代我国少数民族教材建设与管理政策体系的重要内容,也是打牢民族地区中华民族共同体意识教育基础、建设教育强国既重要又紧迫的工作。 Since the People's Republic of China was founded 75 years ago,in different historical periods,in order to promote the development of ethnie minority education,the Communist Party of China and the government have timely promulgated relevant policies on textbook construction and management of ethnic minorities according to the requirements of economic,soeial and educational development in their areas.The textbook construction has made great achievements and provided important guarantee for educational development in those areas.The textbook construction is an important part of national textbook construction and management,which has gone through the stages of exploration and initial establishment,tortuous development,recovery and adjustment and perfection.Summarizing and studying the policy evolution,practical experience and lessons of the textbook construction and management in the past 75 years is an important content to fully implement the requirements of the 20th National Congress of CPC on strengthening textbook const ruction and management and cstablish relevant construction and management system in the new era,and it is also an important and urgent work to lay a solid foundation for the education of the sense of community for the Chinese nation in et hnic areas and build educat ion power.
作者 万明钢 王红学 Wan Minggang;Wang Hongxue
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 北大核心 2024年第7期10-19,共10页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 国家社会科学基金2023年度一般项目“铸牢中华民族共同体意识的学校教育研究”(BMA230022)。
关键词 少数民族 中小学 教材建设与管理 教材政策 ethnic minorities primary and secondary schools textbook construction and management textbook policy
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