

Exploration of a deep learning-based teaching model for senior high school biology with a unit learning plan
摘要 单元学历案是单元教学有效实施的路径。本文以“细胞的基本结构”单元为例,从生物学学科核心素养出发,用深度学习的理论引导实践路径,探索单元学历案课堂教学模式的内涵及实施策略,尝试解决传统教学中知识碎片化的问题,提高学科内容的结构化程度,推动学科核心素养的落地。 The unit learning plan represents an effective path for unit teaching.Taking the unit“Basic Structure of Cells”as an example,starting from biological core literacy,this article uses the theory of deep learning to guide the practice path and explores the connotations and implementation strategies of the classroom teaching model with a unit learning plan.We attempt to solve the problem of knowledge fragmentation in traditional teaching,improve the systematicity of the content of biology,and promote the realization of biological core literacy.
作者 魏晓雪 WEI Xiaoxue(Xiamen No.3 Middle School of Fujian Province,Xiamen 361006,China)
出处 《生物学教学》 北大核心 2024年第7期9-11,共3页 Biology Teaching
基金 福建省厦门市第六批基础教育课程改革课题2023年度立项重点课题“深度学习下生物单元学历案课堂教学模式研究”,No.Z610。
关键词 深度学习 单元学历案 教学模式 细胞结构 deep learning unit learning plan teaching model structure of cells
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