

Research progress diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic olfactory dysfunction
摘要 创伤后嗅觉功能障碍(PTOD)是一个普遍但诊断不足的问题,多数患者未能得到有效治疗。目前国内仍缺乏对PTOD的诊疗指南。本文通过梳理相关文献,系统探讨了创伤后嗅觉障碍的流行病学、发病机制、诊断方法、治疗措施,总结了PTOD主观、客观评估方法,药物、嗅觉训练等治疗措施。本文指出PTOD的流行病学数据相对较少,其发病机制涉及鼻腔、嗅神经和大脑等多个部位;近年多学科的发展,临床医生拥有了更多方法以量化临床环境中的嗅觉功能;糖皮质激素、维生素、锌剂等药物、嗅觉训练、中医的疗法的应用极大改善了创伤后嗅觉功能异常患者的预后。 Post-traumatic olfactory dysfunction(PTOD) is a common but underdiagnosed problem,and most patients do not receive effective treatment.Currently,there is a lack of diagnosis and treatment guidelines for PTOD in China.This article systematically explores the epidemiology,pathogenesis,diagnostic methods,and treatment measures of PTOD by reviewing related literature.The subjective and objective assessment methods of PTOD and treatment measures including drugs and olfactory training are summarized.It is pointed out that there is relatively little epidemiological data on PTOD,and the pathogenesis involves multiple locations including the nasal cavity,olfactory nerve,and brain.In recent years,the multidisciplinary development has provided clinicians with more methods to quantify olfactory function in the clinical environment,and the application of drugs such as glucocorticoids,vitamins,zinc,olfactory training,and traditional Chinese medicine therapies significantly improves the prognosis of patients with PTOD.
作者 王成 周辉 WANG Cheng;ZHOU Hui(Lianyungang Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University,Lianyungang 222000,China)
出处 《临床神经外科杂志》 2024年第4期460-463,468,共5页 Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery
基金 连云港市“521工程”资助项目(LYG06521202206)。
关键词 创伤后嗅觉功能障碍 诊断 药物治疗 嗅觉训练 post-traumatic olfactory dysfunction diagnosis medication olfactory training
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