

Application of Zipf′s Law in Analysis of Heartbeat Dynamics during Coriolis Acceleration
摘要 采用Zipf定律建立科里奥利加速度刺激心率动力学分析方法,为前庭功能适应性训练中自主神经响应实时评估需求提供技术手段。25名男性志愿者完成了试验。试验1:转椅180°/s旋转下左右摆头2 min;试验2:转椅180°/s旋转下俯仰头动2 min,诱发加速度刺激。应用Zipf定律分析Polar表记录心率的动力学模式。研究表明:8种心率模式出现频率最高,2项试验的心率模式差异为0.27%±0.05%;相比中年组,青年组具有更明显的迷走神经响应模式(P<0.006);相比曾参训组(0.15%±0.03%),初期参训组2项试验心率模式差别增大(0.43%±0.10%),具有更明显的迷走神经响应模式(P<0.05),训练经验加速度刺激下对心率模式的影响超过年龄因素;运动病症状评分与体温变化量负相关(r=-0.459,P<0.007),而体温变化量与最常出现的3种心率模式发生率正相关(r=0.396~0.459,P<0.03)。应用Zipf定律的心率动力学分析可揭示加速度刺激相关生理规律,应用于前庭自主神经响应动态变化判断。 To provide a technique for real⁃time autonomic response evaluation in vestibular adapta⁃tion training,Zipf′s law was applied in heart⁃beat dynamics of Coriolis acceleration.Twenty⁃five male volunteers were asked to complete two tests:Rotating in 180°/s for 2 min with active roll head movement test 1 and rotating in 180°/s for 2 min with active pitch head movement test 2.The heart⁃beat dynamics was analyzed according to Zipf′s law using heart rate data recorded by Polar tester.Eight heart rate patterns with higher probabilities were detected in Coriolis acceleration,in which heart rate deceleration was dominant.The difference between the heart rate patterns in the two tests was 0.27%±0.05%.Compared with the middle⁃aged group,the youth group had a heart rate pat⁃tern with higher vagal responses(P<0.006).And in contrast to the group with training experiences(0.15%±0.03%),the group without training experiences had greater pattern difference between the two tests(0.43%±0.10%)and a heart rate mode with raised vagal responses(P<0.05).The training experiences played a more important role than the factor of age in vestibuloautonomic re⁃sponses.There was a negative correlation between the symptom scores of motion sickness and the body temperature variations(r=-0.459,P<0.007).And the changes of body temperature were positively correlated with the three most common heart rate patterns(r=0.396~0.459,P<0.03).The method of heart rate patterns settled by Zipf′s law revealed the physiological responses to Coriolis acceleration.It can be a potential technique applicable to the autonomic response assess⁃ment in vestibular stimuli.
作者 王林杰 何思扬 邹朋 袁敏 张建兰 WANG Linjie;HE Siyang;ZOU Peng;YUAN Min;ZHANG Jianlan(China Astronaut Research and Training Center,Beijing 100094,China;State Key Laboratory of Space Medicine,Beijing 100094,China)
出处 《载人航天》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期419-425,共7页 Manned Spaceflight
基金 载人航天工程预先研究项目(HY-5) 航天医学空间实验项目(HYZHXM01001) 飞天基金项目(2021SY54B0503)。
关键词 Zipf定律 科里奥利加速度刺激 心率动力学 前庭自主神经响应 前庭功能适应性训练 Zipf′s law Coriolis acceleration heartbeat dynamics vestibular autonomic responses vestibular training
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