

Development and Application of Key Techniques for Systematic Family Dynamic Therapy for Substance Addicts
摘要 目的:探索符合我国文化的、适合我国禁毒和戒毒实际的系统家庭动力治疗理论,开发一套能够满足毒品成瘾者及家庭成员需求的便于规范操作的家庭治疗方案,并评估实施效果,编撰操作手册。方法:根据入组标准选择100名物质成瘾者家庭为团体家庭治疗研究对象(大理、楚雄各50名),随机分为干预组和对照组,各25名。对照组按照常规开展戒治工作,干预组除了开展常规戒治工作外,增加两项强化干预措施:以家庭治疗为导向的团辅和家属参与的团体家庭治疗。比较两组SSFD总分及各因子评分。结果:干预组SSFD总分及各因子评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究对象在治疗前后SSFD总分及各因子评分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。家庭个人态度评分比较,差异有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论:这套针对物质成瘾者的家庭治疗方法使家庭氛围得到了显著的改善,自我分化水平也得到了提升,系统逻辑也从单一的模式转变为多元的模式,家庭和个人对“症状”的理解也得到了增强,而且还有助于提升主观能动性。 Objective:To develop a set of family dynamic therapy that can meet the needs of drug addicts and their family members,through exploring the theory of systematic family dynamic therapy consistent with Chinese culture and applicable to drug control in China,evaluating the implementation effect,and finally to compile an operation manual.Methods:A total of 100 drug addicts were selected and divided into two groups,namely intervention group and control group.Group family therapies were carried out in the trial group only.In addition,another 30 households were selected and the individual family therapy was applied to each household in Yunnan Province.Selfdesigned general situation questionnaire,family attitude questionnaire and Selfrating Inventory of Systematic Family Dynamics(SSFD)were used to evaluate the effect of the therapy with Chisquare test or independent/paired sample t test.Results:The total score of SSFD and the scores of each factor in the intervention group were lower than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The total score of SSFD and the scores of each factor were compared before and after treatment,and the diference was statistically significant(P<0.05).There was a statistically significant difference in the score of family personal attitude(P<0.05).Conclusion:This set of family therapy for substance addicts has significantly improved the family atmosphere,improved the level of selfdiferentiation,and changed the system logic from a single model to a multiple model.The understanding of"symptoms"by families and individuals has also been enhanced,and it also helps to enhance subjective initiative.
作者 杨丽萍 李昕悦 郑玲 周勤 陆毅 程璇 茶丽 王珏 邹云东 张官柏 YANG Liping;LI Xinyue;ZHENG Ling;ZHOU Qin;LU Yi;CHENG Xuan;CHA Li;WANG Jue;ZOU Yundong;ZHANG Guanbai(Yunnan Institute for Drug Abuse,Kunming 650228,Yunnan,China;The 5th Compulsory Detention and Forced Detoxification Center of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650211,Yunnan,China;Dali Compulsory Detention and Forced Detoxification Center,Dali 671099,Yunan,China;The 6th Compulsory Detention and Forced Detoxification Center of Yunnan Province,Mangshi 678400,Yunan,China;Chuxiong Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chuxiong 675000,Yunan,China)
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2024年第7期1193-1197,共5页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
基金 云南省艾滋病防治专项基金(编号:YIDA2021001)。
关键词 物质成瘾者 家庭治疗 心理干预 干预模式 Substance addicts Family therapy Psychological intervention Intervening model
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