

Design and Implementation of a Lightweight Meteorological ElementsMonitoring and Warning Platform
摘要 【目的】区域自动气象站作为综合气象观测体系的重要组成部分,数量在不断增加。由于观测数据种类多、采集更新频率高,再加上极端天气对人们生产生活的影响越来越大,传统的网页报警、短信报警已经不能满足需求,迫切需要一种自动化的手段实时监测数据变化并进行有效预警。【方法】气象要素监测预警平台采用B/S架构,使用Django框架搭建Web服务,后台服务端采用Python语言编写。前端网页可供用户对实况气象观测数据进行报警条件设置,设置完成后即可关闭。后台服务端会定时循环读取最新观测数据并与报警条件进行比对,当达到触发条件时,由后台服务器调用阿里云语音服务自动向用户发起电话呼叫并播报实况观测数据详情。【结果】通过该平台,用户可根据当前天气的发展情况,快速灵活地定制阈值报警策略,在实况观测要素达到报警阈值时,以电话呼叫的方式对用户进行强提醒,实现了自动化、轻量化、可定制的数据监控功能。【结论】在实际业务运行中,该平台的应用在中小尺度天气系统监测预警、地方气象服务等气象防灾减灾领域中发挥了重要作用。 [Purposes]As an important part of the comprehensive meteorological observation system,the number of regional automatic meteorological stations is constantly increasing.Due to the variety of obser-vation data and the high frequency of collection and updating,coupled with the increasing impact of ex-treme weather on people's production and life,the traditional webpage alarms or SMS alarms can no lon-ger meet the demand,there is an urgent need for an automated means to monitor data changes in real time and provide effective early warning.[Methods]The meteorological elements monitoring and warning platform adopts B/S architecture,using Django framework to build Web services,and the back-end server is written in Python.The web page for users to set alarm conditions for live meteorological observa-tions and then turn them off.The back-end server regularly and cyclically reads the latest observation data and compares it with the alarm conditions,and when the triggering conditions are reached,the back-end server calls Alibaba Cloud's Voice Messaging Service to automatically initiate a call to the user's phone and broadcast the details of the live observation data.[Findings]Through the platform,us-ers can quickly and flexibly customize the threshold alarm strategy according to the development of the current weather process,and strongly alert the user with a phone call when the live observation element reaches the threshold,which achieves an automated,lightweight and customisable data monitoring func-tion.[Conclusions]In actual operation,the application of the platform plays an important role in the field of meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation,such as monitoring and warning of small and me-dium scale weather systems and local meteorological services.
作者 牛一鸣 NIU Yiming(Luoyang Meteorological Office,Luoyang 471000,China)
机构地区 洛阳市气象局
出处 《河南科技》 2024年第14期31-35,共5页 Henan Science and Technology
关键词 区域自动气象站 数据监控 自动语音呼叫 regional automatic meteorological stations data monitoring automated voice calling
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