

Integrated Urban Renewal: The Development Dilemma and Optimization Path of Urban Renewal in China
摘要 城市是一个生命有机体,需要不断更新来增强城市活力,促进城市现代化。城市更新的本质是城市空间的再造与治理优化。城市更新动因复杂多元,城市更新经济论、城市更新社会论、城市更新生态论、城市更新治理论、城市更新人本论和城市有机更新理论反映了各自特定价值追求及其偏好,共同指导城市更新实践。文章系统反思了中国城市更新在更新价值、更新内涵、更新主体、更新制度和运作机制等方面存在的发展困境,并提出以统筹式城市更新模式促进中国城市更新的可持续发展与有效治理。统筹式城市更新可从树立以人民为中心的城市更新理念、构建内涵式的包容性城市更新模式、完善联动协同的城市更新制度体系、建立因地制宜的城市更新运作机制、建设技术驱动的未来城市与智慧社区等方面系统推进。统筹式城市更新强调目标、主体、资源、技术、方式和效益等方面的统筹协调、系统高效和有机发展,追求城市发展与治理的深度融合,促进城市更新的可持续发展和整体性治理、国家空间布局优化与城市治理现代化。 The city is an organism that constantly enhances the vitality of the city and promotes the modernization of the city through urban renewal.The essence of urban renewal is the reconstruction of urban space and the optimization of governance.Although its motivations are complex and diverse,the theories of urban renewal,whether related to economics,society,ecology,governance,humanism,or organic renewal,reflect the pursuits of specific values and preferences.These theories guide the practice of urban renewal together.This paper reflects on the development dilemmas of urban renewal in China systematically in the aspects of renewal values,connotations,subjects,systems,and operation mechanisms.This study examines the promotion of the sustainable development and effective governance of China's urban renewal through an integrated urban renewal model.Integrated urban renewal can be systematically promoted by establishing a concept of people-centered urban renewal,constructing an inclusive urban renewal model,improving coordinated urban renewal systems,establishing an operation mechanism of urban renewal according to local conditions,and building technology-driven future cities and smart communities.Integrated urban renewal emphasizes the integration and coordination,systematicness,efficiency,and organic development of objectives,subjects,resources,technologies,methods and effects,pursuing the deep integration of urban development and governance.Integrated urban renewal promotes the sustainable development,overall governance,the optimization of national spatial layout,and the modernization of urban governance.
作者 陈水生 王培红 Chen Shuisheng;Wang Peihong
出处 《治理研究》 北大核心 2024年第4期98-113,159,共17页 Governance Studies
基金 国家哲学社会科学重大招标项目“基于大型调查数据的城市复合风险及治理研究”(编号:23&ZD143)。
关键词 城市更新 复合驱动 可持续更新 统筹式城市更新 urban renewal complex factors-driven sustainable urban renewal integrated urban renewal
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