为了减小低温环境中人员手部冻伤风险并提高工作效率,通过手部冷应激试验来揭示局部冷暴露下手部皮肤温度与心理参数的响应规律。首先,招募了12名男性受试者参与试验;然后,利用人工气候室模拟低温环境,受试者穿着防护服暴露于16℃环境中,手部暴露于16℃(对照组)和-10℃(试验组)2种工况;最后,在试验期间连续测量手掌、手背、大拇指、食指、中指、无名指、小拇指7个部位的皮肤温度,以及心理参数包括手部热感觉(TSV)和手部疼痛感(PSV)。结果表明:随着局部冷暴露时间的增加,手部皮肤温度会呈现先急剧降低,后趋于稳定的变化趋势;试验组的大拇指与手背的温差最大;手部皮肤温度与TSV呈线性关系(R^(2)=0.86),手部皮肤温度为30~35℃时手部处于舒适状态,25℃左右时感觉凉爽,10~15℃时感觉很冷;手部皮肤温度与PSV呈非线性关系(R^(2)=0.98),相较于TSV滞后,疼痛感发生于手部皮肤温度为15~20℃之间,之后手部皮肤温度呈指数曲线急剧下降,当手部皮肤温度为12℃左右时,疼痛感无法忍受。应注重低温环境下的手部防护,裸手处于-10℃的环境时最大冷暴露时间不应超过10 min,既要保证手部的舒适性,也要保证作业时的灵活度。研究成果可为降低冻伤发生概率、设计保暖服装、研发个体防护装备等提供基础数据与技术支撑。
In order to minimize the risk of hand frostbite and improve work efficiency in cold environments,a hand cold stress experiment was conducted to reveal the response patterns of hand skin temperature and psychological parameters in response to localized cold exposure.Firstly,twelve male subjects were recruited to participate.Then,the cold environment was simulated in an artificial climate chambers.The subjects were exposed to 16℃in protective clothing,and their hands were exposed to two working conditions:16℃(control group)and-10℃(experimental group).Finally,during the experiment,the skin temperatures in such seven points as palm,dorsum of hand,thumb,index finger,middle finger,ring finger,and little finger and the psychological parameters including thermal sensation vote of the hand(TSV)and pain sensation vote of the hand(PSV)were continuously measured.The results indicate that with the increase of the local cold exposure time,the hand skin temperature will show a trend of change that first decreases sharply and then tends to stabilize.The hand can be divided into three blocks:first,dorsum of hand and palm,followed by the index,middle and ring fingers,and finally thumb and little finger.The temperature difference between the thumb and the back was greatest in the test group.Hand skin temperature shows a linear relationship with hand thermal sensation(R 2=0.86)and a nonlinear relationship with hand pain sensation(R 2=0.98).Compared to TSV hysteresis,pain occurs when the hand skin temperature is between 15 and 20℃.Afterwards,the hand skin temperature drops exponentially.When the hand skin temperature is around 12℃,the pain is unbearable.Attention should be paid to hand protection in cold environments,and the maximum cold exposure time of bare hands should not exceed 10 minutes when the ambient temperature is-10℃to ensure both hand comfort and dexterity during operation.The results of this research can provide technical support for reducing the risk of frostbite in low-temperature environments,as well as for the design of warm clothing in cold regions and the research and development of individual protective equipment for special rescue groups.
YANG Jie;YAN Xiaoxue(College of Safety Science and Engineering,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an 710054,China)
Journal of Xi’an University of Science and Technology
individual protection
cold environment
skin temperature
psychological parameters