

An Investigation into the Application of the Core Socialist Value of Friendliness in Civil Trials
摘要 司法乃公正和善的艺术。在作为传承中华优秀传统文化基因的社会主义核心价值观的价值谱系中,友善价值与司法审判共融渗透,并逐渐呈现出守正创新、泛化周延等不同的面相。友善价值融入司法审判有着极其深刻的运用机理,其历史逻辑在于赓续良善的传统司法基因、社会逻辑在于契合向善的浓厚民意氛围、实践逻辑在于创设扬善的鲜活司法案例。友善既是价值观,更是方法论,为提升裁判的司法公信力与当事人的获得感提供了一条重要路径。在司法审判中引入友善价值有三个层面的要求:在宏观的应然的“理”上,由于正义与善相通相融,因而司法审判指导思想上要树立动态的合理正义观,做到“上善若水”;在中观的实然的“行”上,要对案件精准研判,应用尽用,“勿以善小而不为”,但也要避免“向一般条款逃逸”的情况;在微观的必然的“情”上,应注重厚植培育审判人员“择善而从”的司法习惯,这也是司法良知的要求,以达到“内化于心、外化于行”,让当事人在个案中感受到公平正义,并通过个案感受到法的真善美,进而基于“法感”之“共情”而成为法治的尊崇者和捍卫者。 Justice is the art of fairness and goodness.In the value spectrum of the core socialist values that inherit the genes of China's excellent traditional culture,the value of friendliness is in line with judicial trials,and the integration between the two has gradually presented different aspects such as upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground,and featuring generalization as well as comprehensiveness.The integration of the value of friendliness into judicial trials has a very profound application rationale.Its historical logic lies in continuing the traditional judicial genes of goodness,its social logic lies in conforming to the strong public opinion atmosphere of goodness,and its practical logic lies in creating fresh judicial cases that promote goodness.Friendliness is not only a value,but also a methodology,which provides an important path to enhancing the judicial credibility of judgments and the sense of gain among the litigants.There are three levels of requirements for introducing the value of friendliness in judicial trials:on the macroscopic level of“ought-to”principles,since justice and goodness are interconnected and integrated,the guiding ideology of judicial trials should establish a dynamic and reasonable concept of justice,fulfilling the principle of“the highest goodness is like water”;on the mesoscopic level of“action”,it is necessary to accurately judge the case and make full use of it,adhering to the principle of“do not fail to do good deeds because they are small”avoiding“escaping to general clauses”;on the microscopic level of inevitable“emotion”,it is necessary to focus on cultivating the judicial habit of“choosing goodness and following it”among judges,which is also the requirement of judicial conscience,so as to achieve“internalization in the heart and externalization in action”.In this way,the litigants can not only feel fairness and justice in individual cases,but also feel the truth,goodness and beauty of the law through individual cases,and then become respecters and defenders of the rule of law based on the“empathy”of“legal perception”.
作者 羊震 Yang Zhen
出处 《法治现代化研究》 2024年第4期145-156,共12页 Law and Modernization
关键词 民事审判 友善 价值观 运用机理 实现路径 civil trials friendliness values application mechanism realization path
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