

The Confucian Approach to Distributive Justice:An Evaluation of Xunzi's Morality-Based Theory of Distributive Justice
摘要 分配正义是人类社会的普遍诉求,儒家也不例外。相较而言,儒家分配正义理论的特点在于强调以德性修养参与分配,而荀子则将这一制度化构想发展至巅峰,构建了一个融道德修养、政治层级分布与益品分配于一体的差等分配体系,道德(礼义)在其中作为主要的分配要素决定人在等级秩序中的位次及权益。荀子视此为“至平”的分配方案,原因在于:所有人在道德基础上是平等的且道德修养完全取决于“心”的抉择,因而机会均等,从而能够突破丛林社会以蛮力定尊卑与传统社会以血缘、出身决定等级地位的弊端。其理论优势包括:差等秩序能够有效克服“好逸恶劳”的性恶趋向,使物质生产与人的欲望相持而长;职位向所有人开放并关照弱势群体;在一定程度上可以规避权力被滥用的风险,等等。当然,在现代视域下,其不足也所在多有,比如道德水准的难以衡量、道德状况与其社会效应之间的脱节、道德发用上“爱有等差”对社会公平的冲击、在“正义的实现”上对资源的补偿性配置的匮乏、政治职位稀缺性对全民道德化的制约以及事实上形成的对道德及价值多元论的压制与否定等。 Distributive justike is a universal pursuit in human societies,and Confucianism isпoеxception.Compared to other theoris,Confucian distributive justice emphasizes the role of moral cultivation in the proess of distribution.Xunzi,in Particular.developed this institutional cоncept to its Peak.constructing a hierarchkal distributive system that integrates moral cultivation.political hierarchy,and the distribution of benefits In this system,morality(ritual and righteousness)isthe main factor determining one's position in the hierarchical order and the corresponding rights and interests.Xunzi regarded this as the*"ultimate fairness"in distribution because,in his view,all people are equal on a moral basis,and moral cultiva-tion depends entirely on the chokes of the"heart",thus ensuring equal opportunities.This allows for the overcoming of the pitfalls of a jungle socicty where rank is determined by brute force and a traditional society wbere statusis decided by blood-line and birth.Is thore ca anagae cince te hearcar ore efeilele bob be i entene towas an ness and pleasure-secking,balancing material production with human desires;positions are open to all and consider the needs of vulnerable groups:and to some extent.it can prevent the risk of power abuse.However,from a modern perspectiver there are also shortcomings,such as the difficulty in objectively measuring moral standards,the potential disconnection be-tween one's moral status and the actual social effects of their actions the impact of the principle of"graded love in moral application on social equity.insuffident compensatory resounce allocation for achieving justicc.the restriction of limited a vailability of political positions on the moral development of the entire population.and the actual suppression and negation of motaland value pluralism.
作者 陈晨捷 CHEN Chenjie
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 北大核心 2024年第4期59-67,共9页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“先秦儒家时间哲学研究”(21BZX057)。
关键词 分配正义 荀子 礼义 差等秩序 distributive justice Xunzi ritual and righteousness hierarchical social structure
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